Your School Counselor
Why do kids see a School Counselor?
Classroom Lessons
What does a School Counselor do?

Which Counselor has last names H-O?

Mrs. Lian


Why do kids see a School Counselor?

Because of ....Feelings, Emotions, Friends, Home,

School, etc....


Will I visit your classroom?

Yes! This is called classroom guidance.


School Counselors help kids to solve ________.

challenges or problems


Which counselor has the last names A-G?

Mrs. Oak


Name two problems that a student might have that teacher or parent will want them to see a School Counselor.

Death of someone that they are close to, family break-up like a divorce, upset with a friend, bullying, they are lonely, having trouble with their behavior, stressed out, have a question about their schedule,  etc..


Classroom lessons are supposed to help students to make good C __ __ I __ __ __.



School Counselors do more than just work with children. Name two things that you think that a school counselor does in addition to working with kids.

Talk to Parents, Problem Solve with Teachers, Principals and other staff members, Work on Committees, Run Programs, etc..

Which counselor has the last names P-Z?

Ms. Shaw


How do you get to see the school counselor?

Fill out a pink form, google link, Canvas Inbox

Remember you cannot just come down to Student Service's between classes.  


How will I expect you to behave when I am in your room?

I will expect you to be respectful, responsible, ready to learn and very peaceful.


Do I work with other School Counselors?


There are three counselors at ELMS! 

We also work with the elementary and high school counselors!


Can I come see you in between class?



Will I get to see you right away?

That depends. If you are having a real emergency, I will get to you as soon as possible. If it is not an emergency I will see you as soon as I can. It may take up to 48hrs. 


Name two things that we might work on when I visit your classroom.

Bullying, Friendship skills, Test Taking Strategies, Being Safe, Making good choices, Careers, Mindfulness, etc..


How many kids do I work with at once?

It varies. A whole class. A small group mostly held at lunch or during the day sometime.  Individually -- one child at a time


Where are the counselor offices?

Student Services/Down the 6th grade hallway/across from the media center


What do I spend most of my time doing while I am at school?

Working with students!


How often do I normally go into classrooms and teach a lesson?

2-3 times a year


What is confidentiality?

Keeping what you say to myself - when you come to my office, what we talk about stays between us. UNLESS...

You want to harm your self

You are being harmed

You report something illegal