The general weather conditions prevailing in an area over a long period of time
What is Climate
Ultraviolet Rays, Visible light, and Radio Waves are all examples of ________________ ______________
What is electrmoagnetic waves?
These clouds form at high altitudes
What are Cirrus Clouds?
You live at the North Pole, it is June - what is unusual about this?
What is there wil be several days when the sun never sets?
A large body of air with uniform temperature, pressure, and humidity at a specific altitude
What is Air mass
The amount of solar radiation received by the earth
What is Insolation?
The ____________ the wavelenght, the higher the energy in an electromagnetic wave.
What is shorter?
These clouds form at Low altitudes
What are Cumulus Clouds?
you can find these at 30 degrees north and south of the equator.
What are most of the worlds deserts?
Energy that is emitted from a source
What is Radiation?
The times each year when the length of the day is equal to to the length of the night
What is Equinox?
During ____________________ the Northern Hemisphere is experienceing summer.
What is Aphelion?
These clouds can be shaped like an lentil - and form in an oval "stack" when winds hit an obstruction.
What are lenticular clouds?
these winds blow toward the equator
What are the Hadley Cell?
The day at which the sun reaches its maximum or minimum height in the sky
What is Solstice?
The point in a body's orbit when it is closest to the sun
What is Perihelion?
Because of the ______________ ___________, the winds near the surface of the earth do not blow straight, they tend to curve.
What is the Coriolis effect?
A darks tratus cloud is called
What is a nimbostratus?
These are the coldest winds and blow away from the equator
What are The Polar winds (Polar Poles)
The point in a body's orbit when it is farthest from the sun
What is Aphelion?
A measure of how much light is reflected from a surface instead of being absorbed
What is Albedo?
Its September in the Northern Hemisphere, are you experiencing an Equinox or a Solstice
What is an Equinox?
These clouds are composed of ice crystals
What are Cirrus clouds?
This causes the winds near the surface of the earth to curve
What is the Coriolis Effect
During the day the surface of the moon reached over what degree?
100 degrees C - hot enough to boil?