Basics 1
Basics 2
Figurative Language 1
Figurative Language 2

Please write what kind of entity 1. God and 2. Satan are, respectively.

1. one who exists on his own, self-existent
2. a created being, angel who sinned


2. How many people recorded the Bible, and who were they?

approximately 35~40, prophets and disciples


11. What are the true meanings of the figurative 1) Lamb and 2) blood and flesh of the Lamb?

1) Lamb: Jesus
2) blood and flesh of the Lamb: Jesus’ words of life


19. Write the true meanings of the figurative 1) heaven, earth and 2) sun, moon, and stars.

1) heaven, earth: tabernacle of the chosen people, people (saints)

2) sun, moon, stars: pastor, evangelist, saints


What kind of book is the “Bible”?

a book of covenant between God and the chosen people


write who and who the covenant is a promise between along with a reference verse for 2 the Old Testament and 3 the New Testament, respectively

2. God and Physical Israel, Ex 19:5-6
3. Jesus and Spiritual Israel, Lk 22:14-20


21. Write 1) the meaning of Israel and 2) the three kinds of Israel.

1) meaning: to overcome (one who overcomes), chosen people 2) Physical Israel, Spiritual Israel, New Spiritual Israel


8. Write the true meanings of the figurative 1) water, 2) spring, and 3) river.

1) water: word
2) spring: pastor and temple (church)
3) river: heart of a disciple and evangelist


1. Between who and who are the wars of the OT and NT fought? 2. What is the reason for God and Satan to go to war, respectively?

1. spirits and flesh that belong to God and spirits and flesh that belong to Satan 

2. God: to restore all creation
Satan: to not lose the world


Of the promises God made to Abraham, 1 when was the promise of “Abraham’s descendants coming out of a foreign land” (Gn 15:13-14) fulfilled? 2 When did God fulfill the promises He made to the Old Testament prophets? 3 When are the promises of Jesus’ first coming fulfilled? Write each answer with a reference verse.

1. at the time of Moses, Ex12 

2. at Jesus’ first coming, Jn 19:30 

3. at the second coming, Rv 21:6


2. Write the true meanings of the figurative 1) seed, 2) field, 3) tree, 4) bird, 5) branch, 6) leaf, and 7) fruit.

1) seed:word
2) field: person’s heart, world
3) tree: inner person born again of the seed of the word (pastor) 

4) bird: spirit
5) branch: disciple
6) leaf: evangelist
7) fruit: word, saint born of the word


17. Write the true meanings of the figurative 1) bridegroom, 2) bride, 3) widow, and 4) orphan.

1) bridegroom: spirit
2) bride: flesh
3) widow: pastor who betrayed
4) orphan: church members who belong to the pastor who betrayed


Write the flow of biblical history into 7 periods in order.

period of Genesis → period of exodus and the law → period of judges → period of kings → period of prophets → period of the gospel of heaven → period of re-creation and revelation


When the Bible is categorized into 4 contents, 1. what are they? 2. Write the logic of how prophecies are fulfilled in order along with a reference verse.

1. history, instructions, prophecy, fulfillment (fulfilled reality) 2. betrayal, destruction, salvation, 2 Thes 2:1~3


22. 1) Write the three kinds of heaven and the true meanings of the figurative

1) heaven of the spiritual world, heaven tabernacle of the previously chosen people, the re-created sealed 12 tribes


14. Write the true meanings of the figurative 1) seal, 2) trumpet sound, 3) song, 4) song of Moses, 5) song of the Lamb, and 6) new song.

1) seal: God’s word
2) trumpet sound: word that makes known
3) song: words of a sermon
4) song of Moses: words of the OT Bible
5) song of the Lamb: words of the NT Bible
6) new song: word of the fulfilled realities of Revelation


Write 5 representative points and reference verses of the contents of the Old Testament prophecies and the fulfillment at the first coming regarding Jesus of the first coming.


Born of a virgin Going to Egypt Working in Galilee Bearing the cross Preaching the gospel of heaven

OT (prophecy)

Is 7:14 Hos 11:1 Is 9:1~2 Ps 40~41

Is 61:1

NT (fulfillment)

Mt 1:18~23 Mt 2:13~15 Mt 4:13~16 Mt 27

Lk 4:16~21


4. how many books, chapters, and verses are in the Old Testament and New Testament, respectively.

OT: 39 books, 929 chapters, 23,144 verses

NT: 27 books, 260 chapters, 7,957 verses


20. At the time of the fulfillment of Revelation, write the true meanings of 1) the first heaven and first earth that are judged and pass away and 2) the new heaven and new earth.

1) first heaven and first earth: first tabernacle and first saints

2) new heaven and new earth: new tabernacle and new saints


1. 1) What are the two reasons Jesus spoke the secrets of the kingdom of heaven in parables at the first coming? 

1) to fulfill what was spoken through the OT prophets, to hide [them] from the enemy