What is "to the man" in Latin and how does this fallacy work?
What is Ad hominem? This is a fallacy that verbally attacks a person rather than his argument.
What is a fallacy that asks a question in a way to exclude a legitimate response?
What is a complex question?
What is an Ad ignorantium fallacy?
What is an argument from a lack of evidence?
Identify the following fallacy by name, "Mr. Jones says he is honest, so I believe him, since honest people don't lie."
What is circular reasoning?
Identify the following fallacy by name, "UFOs aren't alien spaceships. That idea went out of style with the Star Trek generation."
What is chronological snobbery?
What is "you also" in Latin and how does this fallacy work?
What is Tu quoque? This fallacy focuses on an inconsistency between a person's argument and behavior.
What is it called when one oversimplifies choices in an arguement?
What is an either/or fallacy (also known as bifurcation.)
What is a Composition fallacy?
Identify the following fallacy by name, "Sandy must be rich, she is a member of one of the wealthiest sororities on campus."
What is division?
Identify the following fallacy by name, "These are Sandy's lucky shoes. The last time she wore them she passed her logic test."
What is post hoc ergo propter hoc?
What is "to the masses (or the people)" in Latin and how does this fallacy work?
What is Ad populum? This fallacy is an illegitimate appeal to a majority. (Also known as Appeal to the people.)
What is it called when you change the meaning of a sentence through emphasis?
What is accent?
What is an Ad baculum fallacy?
What is an illegitmate appeal to force?
Identify the following fallacy by name, "Each snowflake is very light. There is no way that snow could make that roof collapse."
What is composition?
Identify the following fallacy by name, "God does not exist. That philosophy professor said so, and he's a published author, so he knows what he's talking about."
What is an illegitimate appeal to authority?
What is "he said it himself" in Latin and how does this fallacy work?
What is Ipse dixcit? This fallacy is an illegitmate appeal to authority.
What is it called when one dismisses an argument be explaining why it is believed?
What is Bulverism?
What is an Apriorism fallacy?
What is a hasty generalization?
Identify the following fallacy by name, "I don't think God exists either. Nobody has proven to me that he does."
What is Ad ignorantiam?
Identify the following fallacy by name, "I don't need vitamins! You just think you should take vitamins because your father works in a pharmacy."
What is a Bulverism?
What is "after this, therefore because of this" in Latin and how does this fallacy work?
What is Post hoc ergo proter hoc? This fallacy assumes a sequence in time implies a cause and effect.
What type of definition helps to avoid equivocation and why?
What is a lexical definition because it gives a single, established meaning of the term?
What is an Amphiboly fallacy?
What is a vagueness of grammar that disguises or alters meaning?
Identify the following fallacy by name, "The press has a duty to publish what is clearly in the public interest. And there is certainly public interest in the private life of the rich and famous."
What is equivocation?
Identify the following fallacy by name, "Let it be known at the outset of this biology class that I will not tolerate arguments seeking to support creationism. You do want to pass this class, don't you?"
What is ad baculum? (illegitmate appeal to force)