IE Basic
Body Cues
No Food Rules
Emotional Eating
Self Acceptance

This term describes the act of eating based on your body's natural hunger and fullness cues, rather than external rules.

What is IE


This physical feeling, like a growling stomach or lightheadedness, is a sign you need to eat.

What is hunger?


In intuitive eating, this "bad" or "good" label is removed from all types of food. 

What is a food rule?


This emotion, common among students with heavy workloads, often triggers emotional eating.

What is stress?


This mindset encourages you to appreciate your body for what it can do, rather than how it looks. 

What is self-acceptance?


Instead of focusing on weight loss or dieting, intuitive eating helps you create this kind of relationship with food.

What is a healthy or positive relationship with food?


This feeling, often described as "satisfied" or "comfortable," signals it’s time to stop eating. 

What is fullness?


Under IE, you can eat this popular fast food item, known for its toppings and variety, without guilt. 

What is pizza?


Feeling sad, stressed or lonely can lead to this type of eating, even when your body isn’t physically hungry. 

What is emotional eating?


The positive feeling about your body, even if it doesn’t match what you see in the media.

What is body positivity?


Eating when you’re hungry and stopping when you feel this.

What is satisfied or full?


Rather than eating because of external factors, intuitive eating encourages paying attention to these internal signals. 

What are hunger and fullness cues?


IE teaches that it’s okay to enjoy foods with this sweet ingredient, as long as it’s in moderation. 

What is sugar?


Instead of eating when you’re upset, intuitive eating encourages finding these activities, like going for a walk or talking to a friend. 

What are coping strategies?


This harmful practice involves comparing yourself to others, often leading to negative feelings about your body.

What is body comparison?


This is the opposite of intuitive eating, where people follow strict diets, calorie counting, or food rules. 

What is restrictive eating?


This form of eating, driven by boredom, stress, or emotions, can be confused with actual hunger.

What is emotional eating? 


Rather than avoiding this food group, which includes bread and pasta, IE encourages balance.

 What are carbohydrates?


Cravings for high flavor profile (super sweet, salty, fatty, sour) foods during stressful times may be linked to this type of hunger.

What is emotional hunger?


A key part of IE is accepting that your body’s needs change during this period of rapid growth and development that only happens once in your life.

What is adolescence?


This professional, can help guide you in learning about intuitive eating. 

Who is a dietitian or nutritionist?


Drinking water can sometimes help you differentiate between this feeling and actual hunger. 

What is thirst?


In IE, this term describes eating a variety of foods without restriction, including sweets, vegetables, and proteins. 

What is balance?


Journaling about your feelings can help you identify if you're eating because of this, rather than hunger.

What is an emotion or stress?


This practice, often done in front of a mirror, helps you appreciate and speak kindly to your body.

What is positive self-talk or affirmations?