Honor you _____
Which IE prinicple is shown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLXYILcRoPQ
Discover the satisfaction factor
What is a physical hunger cue?
pangs, growling stomach, increased thoughts of food, increased desire to eat.....
What is Jon job title
executive director
Challenge the ______
Food police
I just finished dinner and now I want to eat a dessert. I go the the freezer to grab my favorite ice cream. I plate 3 scoops of ice cream and I finish 2 of the scoops. Thinking to my self I lost interest in eating the ice cream as I am satisfied, I put the rest of the ice cream back in the freezer for later. What IE principle was used?
Respect your fullness
You smell fresh baked garlic bread and suddenly feel hunger for a meal. What type of hunger is this?
Taste Hunger
Jonny Dejion
Gentle _______
Two friends are ate a Italian restaurant. Friend A wants to order pasta and garlic bread. Friend B says bread and pasta are bad for you lets get a grilled chicken salad. Friend A orders the pasta and garlic bread after thinking about friend B's statement. What IE was used?
Challange the food police
Why is it beneficial to eat when we feel a hunger cue?
To let our bodies begin to trust us that we will nourish it, to encourage increased awareness in our bodies cues, to avoid negative affects of low energy, to decrease our thoughts of food.....
How tall is Jon
Discover the ______ factor
IE focuses on two key principles
Gaining body attunement and removing obstacles to body attunement
What is a emotion hunger?
Comes on suddenly, may not resolve with eating, feels better to eat, can be comfortably full and still hungry.....
What's Jon go-to snack right now?
Oatmeal cream pies
Respect you ______
Which IE principle can be used:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAL0nwCo0h8
Honor you hunger / make peace with food
What type of hunger is it when we eat when we may not be ready for a meal but know we will not have time to eat later?
Practical Hunger
What is one of Jon's previous haircuts?
Rat tail and bowl cut