Social History

What are three key technologies (tools) that early Inuit developed that allowed them to become skilled sea mammal hunters?

Avataq, umiaq, and sakku.


What is the Inuktitut word for the soul and what do Inuit say it looked like?

Tarniq- It was said to look like a small bubble.

When were Inuit moved into settlements?

Late 1950s-1960s


Why did explorers head out in the first place? What were they looking for?

A shortcut to Asia (Northwest Passage)


Which 3 groups were the main whalers in the Arctic?

Americans, British, and Scottish


Who was the first group of Europeans to meet the Inuit? And when did they meet?

The Norse, around 900AD


Who is Sedna/Nuliajuk and why did Inuit fear her?

She was the goddess of the sea. If she was unhappy she could cause bad weather or keep animals back.


Why were Inuit moved into settlements?

To "modernize." It also made it easier for gov. to give Inuit services like medical care / relief.


Who was the first explorer to go to the Arctic and when did he go?

Martin Frobisher, 1576


When were whalers in the Arctic?



What is the Inuktitut word for the Thule?



What do Inuit believe about naming? What does this have to do with the soul?

Children named after someone would have their characteristics (be like them). They were believed to have the same source of life, or in some cases the soul of someone who passed on.


What 3 Qallunaat groups were ALREADY in the Arctic when Inuit moved into settlements?

RCMP, Missionaries, and Traders


Who was the first explorer to cross the Northwest Passage? When did he do this, and how did he succeed?

Roald Amundsen in 1903.

He lived with Netsilingmiut for 2 years and learned from them.


What did Europeans need whales for? List 4 

Soap, perfume, whips, corsets, machine lubricant, street lamps, carriage springs, etc.


Who are the Dorset? How did they get this name and how would you describe them?

They are the Tuniit. The got the name dorset because the first artifacts were found near Cape Dorset. They were gentle giants, lived in stone houses, fast runners, simple (According to Inuit)


Ivaluardjuk once said that “The greatest danger of life comes from the fact that human food consists entirely of souls”. - Why did Inuit believe that there was a risk and danger associated with the food we eat?

Because every living thing has a soul, and so it can seek revenge on us if we break taboos or are disrespectful.


List 4 ways the gov. workers tried to "modernize" Inuit

-Starting CO-OPS
-Dog laws
-Selling boats
-giving out welfare and old age pensions
-selling fuel


Name a place in the Arctic named after an Explorer

Frobisher Bay

Davis Strait

Foxe Basin

Bylot Island

Hudson Bay 


What kind of interactions did Inuit have with whalers? Name 4

Employment, celebrations/ dances, "dating", trading.


Who are the Thule and how did they get their name? How would you describe them?

The ancestors of modern day Inuit. They were named after Thule Greenland by Therkel Matthiasen who named them after the Thule Expedition HQ.


What 3 places did Inuit believe we would go to when we passed on? Who would be in each place?

(You just need to describe the places)

1. Hunting grounds. Good hunters and women with tattoos would go there

2.Stuck on Earth to haunt. If someone broke a taboo.

3. Underground where people have there head down and eat butterflies. Lazy hunters and women with no tattoos.


How were Inuit impacted by the move into settlements? (List at least 3)

-No longer using qulliq
-Dogs slaughtered
-Felt powerless
-Had to get jobs
-Reliant on Qallunaat
-Loss of culture for younger generations
-Started selling art


Name the 3 impacts from explorers, and why they are important

Maps: Allowed other groups to come
Disease: Killed off large numbers of population
Human Zoos: Dehumanizing, made Europeans think they were superior, knew better, etc.


Name 4 impacts of whaling

Bowhead population endangered, Inuit access to goods (tea, bannock, rifles), disease, square dances, bannock, accordians, mixed children, jobs.