Sampling Methods

Best detects exotic invasive species

Time-meander method


We're going to Forest Park WITHOUT Doug and are trying to quickly assess the abundance of invasive species. Which sampling method do you choose?

Team Discussions 

- Not time-meander method because we don't have a skilled botanist 

Samples the greatest percentage of a site

Time-meander method


You're sampling a site that you know has many sedges and grasses. What method do you choose? 

Team Discussions

- Time-meandered missed species that other three methods detected in the study


Best at describing relative species abundance and why

- Stratified-Random Plot

- Estimates species cover from a larger area


Describe scenario in which you would want to use modified Whittaker method

Team Discussions

- Site where you know vegetation is centrally-focused 


Factors that limit the detection ability of using time-meander method

- If there is a relatively dense cover 

- Skill of botanist 


You're asked to design a long-term study that aims to monitor vegetation patterns and detect the presence of invasive species. Which methods do you combine and why?  

Team Discussions 

Stratified-random method & time-meandered method 


2 pitfalls of systematic plot method according to study

- Samples lowest percentage of site 

- Overestimated abundance of native weeds


3 key factors to consider when assessing invasive species and determining appropriate methods 

- Time & Cost 

- Environment/Characteristics of site 

- Purpose/Goals