This device is in every auto-motive vehicle and counts the number of miles it traveles
What is a Odometer
This large tower in Paris France is an iconic land mark and is on lots of post-cards.
What is The Eiffel tower
This small white stick with cotton balls on the ends is mostly used for cleaning people's ears
What are Q-tips
This social media site was created by Mark Zuckerberg and has become a very popular online site
What is Facebook
a hot tub like pool
What is Jacuzzi
This medical device was first used to inject morphine into people's blood steam
What is a Hypodermic needle
This invention was created to heat water for the rich
What is Water heater
Steve jobs first invention was a new kind of PC
What is mac computer
This toy was invented to replace animals with a mechanical animal pet
What is Robotic dogs
a scale used for measureing hot and cold temps
What is the Kelvin scale
This was one of the first ways people communicated with others through a electrical beeping sound. Samuel Morse invented this communication
What is a Morse code
These powerful waves were a medical breakthrough in there discovery. They are often used to determine if a person has broken a bone.
What is X-rays
This machine is used for cleaning ice in ice rinks
What is Zamboni
This device keeps track of a heartbeat in hospitols
What is a pacemaker
This machine is used almost everyday in math class and is used to calculate large numbers
What is a calculator
This invention comes in lots of sizes and is used to keep personal belongings secure in your home. This device has either a combonation lock or a pin number that is required to open.
What is a Safe
This invention was first designed by german engineers. Its purpose was to have a long range weapon that could destroy a large area
What is Ballistic missiles
This toy was used by having a spinning wheel attached to a long string that when thrown down it would spin its self back up.
What is a Yo-Yo
This engineering invention was used by harnessing steam from burning coal to power its pistons
What is Rotary Steam engine
This mechanical machine was designed and flew by Paul maccready