Investing 101
I've Got Money, Now Where Do I Put It
Portfolio Management - For Dummies
Their Money, Your Job
Diversify - Dealers Choice

Only an intellect could remember this mnemonic for investment planning goals

What is S.M.A.R.T.?


This type of investment can be either open- or close-ended

What is a mutual fund?


If your equilibrium feels off, it may be time to do this to your portfolio

What is rebalance?


Broker-Dealers are held to this standard

What is the Suitability Standard?


This trading platform has received hate from plaudits of the investing community, but garnered fame for its zero trading fees

What is Robinhood?


This type of investment shares the same name as Agent 007

What is a bond?


This type of market capitalization designation is for companies with $10 billion or more in total equity market value

What is Large Cap?


This model is often used to determine what portion of your portfolio should be dedicated to specific categories based upon your time horizon and risk tolerance

What is Strategic Asset Allocation


CPA’s have this type of duty to their clients

What is a fiduciary duty?


This is the market where stocks and bonds are traded after initially being issued

What is secondary market?


Also the last name of a MAC professor, this U.S. index holds 30 of the market’s top stocks

What is the Dow Jones Industrial Average?


This investment type may hold a portfolio of real estate, short-term construction loans, and mortgages

What is a REIT?


A person with a crystal ball would use this type of strategy to investing

What is market timing?


This phase in the investment planning process is responsible for the tracking and communicating of a client’s progress towards their goals

What is the monitoring phase?


Taxes and these cut into the return on your portfolio

What are fees?


If you’re on the clock, don’t take too long coming up with this investment constraint

What is a time horizon?


This type of higher risk fund typically is associated with higher fees

What are actively managed funds?


A passive management investment strategy by which a fixed dollar amount is invested into an investment at predetermined intervals

What is dollar-cost averaging?


Along with Time Horizon and Human Capital Risks, this is the last main constraint of investing for clients

What is Liquidity?


Within limits this strategy may allow investments to be purchased on credit and set up with the brokerage firm as the nominal owner and the investor as the beneficial owner

What is a margin account?


Often referred to as stocks and bonds, these are much more broadly defined

What is securities?


A roadside assistance company and high-quality investment grade for bonds share this title

What is AAA?


This type of investment option can potentially be tied to unlimited losses

What is short sales?


This document lists a client’s investment goals and objectives, along with the strategies to meet those goals

What is an Investment Policy Statement? (IPS)?


An investment strategy that has a portfolio of bonds with staggered maturity dates

What is a Bond Ladder?