True or False
Candidates may cheer or high five or otherwise "pump each other up" prior to entering the exam room.
Name 3 things you must write down on the Seating Chart.
How do invigilators have to organize exams once they have been collected?
In numerical order, based on candidate number.
True or False:
Candidates may use the restroom at any time with no supervision.
Students need to be escorted to the restroom and must sweep the restroom to ensure there are no prohibited materials hidden in the restroom. No study materials, phones etc.
We will use the restroom next to Andrea Lopez's office for all restroom needs.
Name 3 materials that need to be on a student desk prior to allowing students to enter.
Any of the following apply:
Exam bin with student Candidate Number
Data booklets (if applicable) - checked to ensure there is no writing in them
Exam paper (if applicable)
Cover Sheet or MCQ document
True or False
Candidates may wear watches during IB testing, but must not have any other electronic devices.
No watches are allowed
No electronic devices are allowed (with very few exceptions - we have a student in a small group who will have her phone in the exam room to monitor glucose)
Invigilators are responsible for ensuring that they are vigilant as students enter and for the duration of the exam that students do not have prohibited items - earbuds, watches, computers, scratch paper, books, dictionaries, calculators for non-calculator exams...
Can a candidate leave an IB exam early?
Yes, BUT we have to have them supervised somewhere else until the end of the exam for other candidates. We don't have the capacity to do this for the most part, so I am asking that students remain in the exam room for the full time.
Exception could be students with additional time - if the main exam session is done, those students can leave if they finish before their end time.
If a student never showed up for the exam, what do you do on the Cover Sheet?
There is a place to mark an X if a candidate is absent. Send the Cover Sheet in proper numerical order along with the other exams.
Name the 4 types of IB exams
Semi Structured
Candidates must sit at least _____ meters or _____ feet apart from one another.
1.5 meters or 4.92 feet
Name 3 things candidates need to do upon entering the exam room.
Stop talking with their fellow candidates
Ensure they have materials - calculators, pens, hard candy, string tags
Double check that they have not accidentally brought in prohibited material
Put their water on the designated water table
Find their seat and sit quietly
You realize a student is not present during instructions and reading time. What do you do?
There are some days with 2 exams back to back in a single session. There will be a supervised break between them, in the exam room. What can students do in that break?
If students have 2 exams in a single AM or PM session, they may check in paper notes/snack to invigilator to be stored in a bin during testing. They can check out during supervised break, and then check materials back in before second exam. NO ELECTRONIC SOURCES, including phones and computers etc.
25 minutes into the exam, you catch a student with writing on their hand or an airpod in their ear. What do you do?
Call or text Meghan if she isn't already there.
Name 3 things the invigilator should do to prepare themselves and the exam room prior to the arrival of students (not including what should be on student desks)
Prepare the sign for the wall with the name of the exam, and START and END ready to go
Prepare seating charts for your assigned exam, filling out (at minimum) the top part with exam name and level, date, your name etc
Make sure you have used the restroom!
Grab chocolate from the secret stash
Silence your phone
Be sure you have the correct exams in the blue envelopes
Mentally prepare to not cut the exams as you open the package :)
Be sure exam bins with student name and candidate # are set out, according to SL vs HL testers
Double check the Invigilation Binder for the total # of students you should have vs # of bins you have out
Double check the Invigilation Binder to be sure you have all materials you will need for the exam
4 major things happen between candidate arrival and the start of the exam. Name 3 of them.
Clearing calculators (if applicable)
Reading Time (if applicable)
Handing out examination materials
Reading instructions (including a final check to ensure candidates do not have anything prohibited)
What is the most important role of the invigilator during an exam?
Ensure that students are completing their assessments with integrity.
Note that students must ALWAYS be supervised. IB required 1 invigilator per 20 students, but also that there are 2 invigilators per exam room most of the time.
There is 1 circumstance under which you would NOT seal the envelope containing the exam materials in front of the candidates. What is the circumstance?
If a student has additional time for that exam and is testing in another room, the envelope should remain open and be given directly to Meghan to store until the student(s) with extra time are done.
The fire alarm goes off. What do you do?
Leave everything except 1 Invigilation Binder and exit through the doors that lead to the loading dock. Be sure to note the TIME you are leaving.
DO NOT have students separate into their Advisory groups. Keep everyone together and SILENT.
Call Meghan once students are safe and secure (if she isn’t there already).
Come up with a funny chant for Invigilators to do prior to candidate arrival OR give your best tip about how to pass the time as an Invigilator (without breaking any Rules and Regulations)
Answers will vary
Name the 2 acceptable colors of pen students can use and one prohibited type of pen.
Blue or black ink
Other Notes:
Pencils may be used for graphs and diagrams and MCQ exams
No colored pencils allowed for any of our exams
No white out allowed
Highlighters may used to highlight questions or other exam information, but students may not write their answers with highlighter
A student arrives after the scheduled start time of an exam. What do you do?
At the end of each exam, we should remind students that they cannot speak about the exam with anyone outside of the people in the room for at least ______ (amount of time).
24 hours
Exceptions: the small group testers and subject teacher and DP Coordinator
What is 1 question you still have about Invigilation?
Answers will vary