Where's Waldo?
Now You See Me...
Narrative Technique

Waldo Faldo was a comic character often overshadowed by uber-nerd Steve Urkel on this 90s ABC family comedy series.

What is Family Matters?


Dr. Susan "Sue" Storm-Richards is a founding and canonical member of this Marvel superhero quartet.

Who are the Fantastic Four?


This popular Chuck Palahniuk novel turned 1999 cult film classic starring Edward Norton and Brad Pitt only refers to its main character in written for as "The Narrator."

What is Fight Club?


Waldo Williams is considered one of the greatest poets of this language native to this country within the U.K. boundaries located along its southwestern coast.

What is Wales?


The Invisibles, led by Dave Okumu, were nominated for a Mercury prize in 2009, an honor only bestowed on musical artists hailing from either of these two European countries.

What are England and Ireland?


Narrator is a screen reader for visually impaired users provided in this computer operating system used by about 70% of all desktop computer users worldwide.

What is Windows/Microsoft Windows?


Ralph Waldo McBurney was said to be the U.S.'s oldest worker as he was still working at 106 as an apiarist, or someone who tends to and keeps these.

What are bees?


James Patterson, famous for the Alex Cross mystery series and the novel Invisible, was the first author in history to have sold one million of these types of books by 2010.

What are e-books?


Some literary critics dispute that this popular series of free-will focused books constitute true second-person narration as an implicit narrator is constantly addressing the audience when they turn to the instructed page.

What is "Choose Your Own Adventure"?


US Navy Captain Waldo A. Evans served as the last military Governor of this group of islands considered a US territory in the far eastern Caribbean Sea, including the islands of St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas.

What are the US Virgin Islands?


In 1995, this U.S. President ordered that all government agencies declassify information 25 years or older, leading to the odd revelation that four recipes from WWI for invisible ink would still be kept secret by the CIA.

Who is Bill Clinton?


This classic 1951 novel by J.D. Salinger told from the perspective of its disturbed, overstimulated teenage protagonist, Holden Caufield, became famous for its pioneering use of stream-of-consciousness writing style.

What is The Catcher in the Rye?

Waldo Frank, a radical writer and political activist of the early 20th century, broke with the American Communist Party in 1937 over its treatment of this exiled Russian former party leader, whom he met in Mexico that year.

Who is Leon Trotsky?


In an effort to make a philosophical statement about the nature of morality without accountability, this highly influential ancient Greek told a story of a secret Ring of Gyges able to make its wearer invisible.

Who is Plato?


A recent novel series credited with popularizing present tense in narration is this hugely popular franchise by Suzanne Collins featuring dueling children and adults in a dystopian contest.

What is the Hunger Games?