Increasing Student Participation
Student-Led/Directed IEP Meetings
This grassroots project was created by youth with disabilities for their peers to help youth with disabilities make choices and advocate for themselves.
What is Kids as Self Advocates (KASA)?
In teacher directed IEP meetings, these two kinds of group members were more likely to discuss student interests than the student.
What are special educators and parents?
Students with IEPs that participate in student led IEPs can name their ________ and how it affects their learning.
What is disability?
This kind of test can determine if there are any learning disabilities and assists students in identifying their needs.
What is diagnostic?
One way to improve student involvement in IEP meetings is for adults to expect this from the student.
What is student participation?
In addition to student participation increasing with student-led IEPs, this category of IEP team member also saw an increase in participation.
What are parents?
This website provides resources for self-advocacy and was the other source for information that was mentioned in our presentation.
In Self-Directed IEP meetings, these two kinds of group members spent the most time talking.
What are special educators and the student?
Students that chose their IEP and transition goals feel more invested in the process. As a result, they may be more likely to ________ their goals.
What is achieve?
The Kids As Self Advocates website has many different kinds of self-advocacy resources. Education is one, but two more are these.
What are health, work, relationships, and/or technology?

Even though this was the first thing students were taught to do, in the majority of meetings it was still done by the special educator.

What is starting the meeting?
You can generalize self determination skills used in IEP meetings by holding these prior to the IEP meeting.
What are mock meetings?
Nancy Suzanne James discusses the importance of knowing your rights in relation to self-advocacy. This is another self-advocacy topic she covered.
What are investigating interventions or diagnostic testing?
Name one of the top three self-advocacy behaviors students who received instruction in Self-Directed IEPs demonstrated.
What is asking questions?

What is deal with different opinions?
What is state need for support?


Students can gain knowledge the IEP process and these adaptations or changes to assignments or cirriculum.

What are accommodations and modifications?