From among the children, who was the first to accept Islam?
Ali ibn Abu Talib (r.a.)
Prophet (saw) had six aunts. Only one accepted Islam. Name her.
Safiyyah bint 'Abd Al-Muttalib
For whom did Rasulullah (saw) perform Janaza prayer in the absence of his body?
Najashi (Negus), King of Abasynnia
This Sahabi was the spokesman in the court of Negus when the Quraish sent a delegation to bring the Muslims back to Makkah. Hint: After an inspiring speech he recited some verses from the Qur'an upon which the king himself broke down into tears and he granted the Muslims refuge in his land.
Ja'far Ibn Abutalib
On his death the throne of Allah shook. Hint: 70,000 angels attended his funeral. The crowd was so intense that Rasulullah (saw) had to tip-toe.
Sa'ad Ibn Mu'adh
Who was the first martyr in Islam?
Sumayyah bint Khayyat
Daughter of Prophet (saw), who is mentioned to have perfected her Imaan.
Fatimah Bint Muhammed (r.a.)
Prophet (saw) lead all the congregational prayers in his lifetime except on two occasions. Behind which two Sahaba did Prophet (saw) perform Salah? (Name at least one)
Abu Bakr and AbdulRahman Ibn Awf
Which Sahabi had diligently offered his services to Rasulullah (saw) for ten years? Hint: During this entire period Prophet (saw) never as much scolded or frowned at him.
Anas Ibn Malik
His opinions were revealed in the Qur'an on 20 occasions?
Umar bin Al-Kattab
Which Sahabi was the first to recite the Qur'an aloud to the Quraish? Hint: He was attacked by the Quraish as they realized he was reciting the Qur'an
Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud
To which Sahabiyah did Prophet (saw) give his shroud? He himself dug the second half of her grave. Hint: The mother of Ali Ibn AbuTalib
Fatimah Bint Asad
Prior to Prophet (saw) death, he dispatched a huge army under the leadership of a very young Sahabi. While the army was still on the outskirts of Medinah, Prophet (saw) passed away.
Usama Ibn Zaid
Which Sahabi killed Musailamah Al-Kazzab, imposter who claimed prophehood. Hint: This same Sahabi had also martyred Hamzah (ra), prior to accepting Islam
Wahshi Ibn Harb
At the suggestion of this Sahabi, the trench was dug on the outskirts of Medinah on the occasion of the battle of the "Trench"
Salman Al-Farsi
Who was the first child to be born to the Muhajireen (emigrants from Mekka) in Medina?
Abdullah Ibn Zubair
Abu Talha (ra) embraced Islam by the preaching of this Sahabiya.
Umm Sulaim
At whose house was Rasulullah (saw) lodged when he migrated to Medina?
Abu Ayuub Al-Ansari
Before embracing Islam, he lived in the lap of luxury wearing clothes that cost more than 200 silver-coins. After accepting Islam he was martyred in the battle of Uhud, and did not even have sufficient clothes to enshroud his body.
Mus'ab Ibn 'Umair
Concerning which Sahabi did Rasulullah (saw) prophesize that he would wear the gold-bangles of Khusrow (Kisrah), emperor of Persia?
Suruqah Bin Malik
Which Sahabi was the first to accept Islam from Rome? Hint: He dearly wished to personally migrate to Medina with Prophet (saw), but due to some reasons he could not. However he was the first to migrate after Prophet (saw).
Sohaib Al-Rumi
She took active and prominent part in all the battles by nursing the wounded and carrying off the martyred? Hint: She would also push the Muslims to fight bravely and fearlessly.
Rubayyi' Bint Mu'awwiz
Which Sahabiya used to collect the perspiration (sweat) of Rasulullah (saw), and use it as perfume? Hint: She is the mother of Anas Ibn Malik
Umm Sulaym
On accepting Islam, his mother refused to eat and drink until her son did not turn apostate. Her son replied "If I were to possess a thousand souls and if all were to be extracted from my body, then too I will not renounce Islam"
Sa'ad Ibn Abi Waqqas
In whose form did Jibraeel (as) sometimes appear with revelation? Hint: He was an extremely handsome Sahabi
Dihyah al-Kalbi