This coping tool involves moving around
This is a writing activity you can use to figure out how you are feeling
It is important to a relationship to know someone is being honest with you
This is what you do when you want to manage unwanted behaviors
control your urges
This person plays gospel music from his phone every morning.
Mr. Smith
inhaling and exhaling slowly to relax yourself
deep breathing
This is when you focus on the things you already have in your life
expectations for your relationships
The act of tensing and relaxing your body one area at a time
progressive muscle relaxation
This is the number of vans the group home has.
This involves quiet time you take to yourself to breathe and focus on your thoughts and feelings
this involves not allowing yourself to be controlled by your strong feelings
emotional regulation
This is the type of communication where someone is not considering the other person's feelings
This is one way you can distract yourself from your own troubles by paying attention to other people instead
helping people
This activity is what residents participate in when leaving the building and not in school.
Focusing on the present moment and connecting to your senses
This emotion usually has another emotion underneath it
These communication statements involving stating how you feel before stating the problem
You can put your current problems in perspective by remembering this
You've gotten through other bad things!
How many caseworkers does the group home have?
You can picture this place in your mind in order to relax
Your happy place
These are the things that cause you to have negative emotional reactions
This type of communication is when someone is firm yet understanding
What does the "D" stand for in DBT?
What is current events and physical activity?