
This emotion, often characterized by intense joy, heightened confidence, and decreased inhibition, is commonly associated with substance use.

What is "Euphoria"? 


Relapse happens out of the blue. T/F

What is "false"?

Relapse is a process that begins long before the person picks up a drink or uses a drug. There are relapse warning signs that can alert you and the people around you that you might be in relapse mode. The earlier you can spot those signs and have a plan to deal with them, the better you will be able to prevent a relapse.


This harm reduction strategy involves providing clean needles and syringes to reduce the risk of infections among injecting drug users.

What is "Needle Exchange or Syringe Programs"?


TRUE/FALSE: Children, siblings, and parents of alcoholics have a seven times greater chance of developing alcoholism than the general population.

What is "True"?


True/False: Being in love is biologically like being high on drugs.

What is "True"?

The numbing effect of falling in love occurs as a result of the brain’s chemical and emotional responses. 

In particular, the increased secretion of chemicals such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin in the brain creates a feeling of happiness, excitement, energy and focus. Dopamine specifically affects the neurological areas known as the “reward centers” and causes us to have a strong craving for the things we enjoy.


This term describes the psychological state characterized by a strong desire for a substance, often accompanied by emotional distress and agitation.

What is "Cravings"?


Red flags for potential relapse.

What is... 

  • Stopping attending meetings/counseling and not participating in the usual recovery process
  • Romanticizing the past and thinking of it as the “good old days”
  • Becoming withdrawn from family and friends
  • Being overwhelmed and feeling out of control or stressed out 
  • Returning to old settings or associating with individuals from their past that may trigger them

This harm reduction method involves providing a safe space where individuals can consume drugs under supervision to prevent overdose deaths.

What is "Supervised Injection Sites or Safe Consumption Spaces"?


Children of parents who use substances are at an increased risk of developing substance use disorders themselves by this percentage compared to their peers.

What is "50%"?

AA/NA recommend not dating for at least ______ of their sobriety.

What is "the first year"?


Which comes first: the emotion or the thought?

What is "Thoughts create emotions, emotions create feelings and feelings create behavior. So it's very important that our thoughts are positive, to attract the right people, events and circumstances into our lives."


This age group has the highest rates of substance use disorders in the United States.

What is "Young Adults Age 18-25"?


This strategy involves the use of a medication that can reverse opioid overdoses by blocking the effects of opioids on the brain.

What is "Narcan"?

BONUS 100: True/False - You can use Narcan with children, babies, and pets that may have had contact with an elicit substance.


Quality family time fosters open communication. Children who spend more active time with their parents are ____ likely to get involved in risky behavior and substance use.

What is "Lesst"?


Doing this with the person you love can relieve physical pain.

What is "Cuddling"?

Cuddling with someone you love releases a hormone named oxytocin in your body. Oxytocin is also known as the love hormone. Love, therefore, is not just about emotions. The fun fact about love is that cuddling with your partner can relieve you of physical pain as well.


What is the hormone released during bonding activities, can also be released during substance use?

According to studies, oxytocin, often called the "love hormone," which is released during bonding activities like hugging and kissing, can also be released during substance use, potentially influencing bonding experiences.


TRUE/FALSE: You can go back to using the same amount of drugs you were using before after a period of sobriety.

What is "False"?

Using the same amount/potency of drugs that were used prior to a period of sobriety is a large cause of accidental overdose. 


This harm reduction technique involves testing substances for purity and potency to reduce the risk of accidental overdose and poisoning.

What is "Drug Checking or Pill Testing"?


Name some health benefits of spending time with family.

What is..

Improves Mental Health

Helps Children Perform Well Academically

Lowers Risk of Behavioral Problems

Boosts Self-Confidence (for all the members)

Helps Kids Learn Future Parenting Skills

Teaches Effective Conflict Resolution

Reduces Stress 

Promotes Adaptability and Resilience

Enhances Physical Health

Lengthens Life Expectancy


Expressing ________ to a loved one can make us instantly happier.  

What is "Gratitude"?

So go on; make days happier for yourself and your loved ones too.


These emotions can significantly influence the onset and intensity of cravings for substances, as individuals may seek relief from negative emotional states through substance use.

What is "Stress and Anxiety"?


Describe Drug Tolerance.

A person's diminished response to a drug and is the result of repeated use. People can develop tolerance to both illegal and legal drugs. Tolerance is a physical effect of repeated use of a drug. Tolerance does not always equal addiction.


This harm reduction strategy encourages individuals to avoid using drugs alone to ensure help is available in case of overdose.

What is "Using with a Buddy or Not Using Alone"?

Never Use Alone Hotline: 877-696-1996 


Describe the difference between enabling and helping when supporting someone with substance use disorder.

What is...

You may try to help a person with an addiction, but you can easily cross the line and enable them without even realizing it. 

Some signs of enabling include:

  • Ignoring unacceptable behavior.
  • Consistently putting aside your needs for theirs.
  • Assigning blame to others, rather than the person with the addiction.
  • Ignoring things a person does out of fear of confrontation.
  • Lying to cover for their mistakes.
  • Taking on responsibilities for them.

Name the five love languages.

What is "Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Gift Giving, Quality Time"? What's yours?