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FEAR as an acronym has two potential meanings
Face everything and recovery. Forget Everything and Run.
This is the fastest land animal
What is a cheetah
These type of statements share in the first person as opposed to using other pronouns and are helpful in expressing oneself.
What are "I" statements Discuss: what are the benefit of these statements?
This program is based on the Biblical Scripture rather than psychological theory.
What is Celebrate Recovery
Virtually all drugs of abuse directly or indirectly augment this neurotransmitter.
What is dopamine Bonus: What does dopamine do? Pleasure and reward Movement, Attention, Memory
The acronym PAWS stands for this.
What is post acute withdrawal syndrome
This was the most expensive in car 2014
What is a Lamborghini Veneno Roadster Bonus: 4.1 million
In this type of communication style, opinions, feelings and wants are honestly stated, but at the expense of someone else's feelings.
What is aggressive style Bonus: what is the more effect style of communication? examples of this?
The name of 5 locations where either NA or AA meetings are held in Maryland
What is What are you favorite groups and why?
It is estimated that about _____ percent of individuals who use heroin become dependent on it.
What is 23 What is your thoughts on this?
5 common triggers for relapse
What are people who use, Lack of structure, extreme emotion, Lack of support, Poor coping skills.
The estimation of the current world population
What is 7 billion Bonus: US is 316 mil Bonus: China is number 1 with 1.3 billion
This is something we can set with other people to reinforce appropriate types of interactions.
What is a boundary?
The literature for AA and NA differs in title? What is the name of both?
What is The Big Book and Basic Text.
Symptoms may include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever and jaundice
What is alcoholic hepatitis
The expression of thoughts or feelings which are counter-productive and have the effect of demotivating oneself.
What is negative self-talk Examples?
The name for a group of pugs
What is a grumble
The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
What is empathy How was this absent when you were in active addiction?
The 4 program points of SMART Recovery.
What is 1: Building and Maintaining Motivation 2: Coping with Urges 3: Managing Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviors 4: Living a Balanced Life What are the potentially problematic aspects of SMART recovery?
The United States represents 5% of the world's population and _ of prescription drugs taken
What is 75%
Ancient eastern practice of paying attention in a particular way on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally (hint: meditation, breathing exercises, self-awareness, here and now mentality)
What is mindfulness How can mindfulness help recovery?
The average number of licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop
What is 364
Name 3 ineffective listening skills.
What is: Jumping to conclusions Making assumptions Hidden agendas Preparing your own reply while other person is speaking
This 12-step group addresses both drug abuse and alcohol abuse issues without discrimination.
What is Chemically Dependent Anonymous
Of the $373.9 billion spent by federal and state governments in 2005 on substance abuse, addiction and its consequences, ______ percent was spent on prevention and treatment,
What is 1.9% = 7.1 billion In fact, for every dollar spent to prevent and treat substance abuse, federal and state governments spent more than $50 on public programs aimed at addressing its effects, the report says