What are the 3 parts of the CBT Triangle?
Thoughts, Behaviors, Feelings
What is your window of tolerance?
The zone of arousal in which a person is able to function most effectively or your "safe and social" state
Secure, Anxious, Avoidant, Anxious-Avoidant
What 1 of the 3 components of mindful self-compassion?
Mindfulness, common humanity, and self-kindness
List 2 cognitive distortions
All or nothing (black and white) thinking, overgeneralization, mental filter (negative bias), mind reading, minimization, emotional reasoning, shoulds, labeling, blame
What happens to your heart rate when you start to go out of your window of tolerance?
It increases
A relationship dynamic where one person assumes the role of “the giver,” sacrificing their own needs and well-being for the sake of the other, “the taker.”
What are the 3 different communication styles?
Passive-aggressive, aggressive, and assertive
Name 2 of 4 skills of DBT.
Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation
Name 2 of 3 different states of your nervous system
Safe and Social, Hyperarousal (Fight or Flight or Fawn), Hypoarousal (Freeze)
Name a family role that is common in dysfunctional family dynamics. (ex: Hero- can not be used :)
Hero, Scapegoat, Lost Child, Mascot, Caretaker/Enabler and Golden Child
What are the 5 stages of grief? (Bonus 50 points if you can name the 6th)
Denial, Anger, Sadness, Bargaining, Acceptance, and Meaning Making
What are the two parts of the "Wise Mind"?
Reasonable mind and emotion mind
Which trauma response is socially learned (instead of biological)?
What helps reduce resentment in relationships?
What is a psychological schema?
A mental framework that helps individuals organize, process, and store information about their environment
What does the acronym "DEAR MAN" stand for?
Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindfulness, Appear confident, Negotiate
What is the part of your nervous system related to trauma responses?
Autonomic nervous system "Automatic"
Name 2 benefits of setting boundaries.
Improved mental health, improved relationships, clear expectations for others, decreased stress, improved self-care capabilities, respect from others and for self, promotes autonomy
Name 5 positive coping skills.
Up to host to decide.