IOP/ RP Groups
Preventing Relapse
Sober Support Groups
The Brain
Recovery Skills

Minimum of number of groups all clients need to attend before completing IOP/RP successfully

What is 18? (for both)


people, places, objects, and things that cause cravings.

What are External Triggers?


AA / NA - Stands for which sober support groups

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA)


Called the "Pleasure Chemical"

What is Dopamine

Strategies used to avoid relapse, manage triggers, and behaviors done to deal with emotions *Bonus to name a minimum of 3*

What are coping skills? 

Minimum of (how many) weekly meetings to support sobriety and grow support nework

2 weekly sober support meetings.


feelings, emotions, and attitudes cause cravings or make someone want to use 

What are Internal Triggers? 


Name 1 of the 2 Founding members of Alcoholics Anonymous

Mr. Bill Wilson and Dr. 'Bob' Smith


Name two parts of the brain. Name their primary function(s)?

Upper Brain - Cortex  -> Attachment / Morality / Personality

Lower Brain - Limbic System -> Survival / Pleasure


Research shows that attending both of these two things dramatically increases the likelihood of success in recovery

What are Sober Supports and Treatment (IOP, RP, Aftercare)?


A critical part of every group - Clients get the opportunity to create structure, count sober time, and make plans for their time

What is Scheduling? 

The substitution of one substance (alcohol) for another substance (THC) or behavior (gambling, shoplifting, exercise).

What is Cross Addiction?


Support groups for friends, family members, or loved ones related to a recovering person

What is Al-Anon?


The chemical that is closely associated with substance use memory and creates drug cues. This chemical initiates 'drug seeking'

What is Glutamate


Strategies used to stop the:

"Trigger - Thought - Craving - Use" cycle

*Bonus to name a minimum of 2

What are thought stopping techniques


Policy for being late to group

15 minutes without a call. 16 minutes late to group you will not be admitted to group. If you call ahead of time you can come to group late (within reason)


Rationalizations, minimizations, emotional reasoning, or blaming others for continued substance use

What are Relapse Justifications?


What decade did Alcoholics Anonymous begin? Bonus - Where did it begin? (city and state)

1930's. Akron, OH. 


What are considered typical levels of dopamine needed for daily functioning

Between 40 and 60 ng/dcl


Acronym for avoiding/managing/coping with symptoms of PAWS

H- Hungry

A - Angry

L - Lonely

T - Tired


Name 3 of the 4 things all clients need to do to successfully complete IOP/RP groups.

1. Minimum of 18 groups

2. Consistent individual counseling

3. Negative drug screens

4. 2 Weekly sober support groups.


Name 4 of the 5 Stages of the Road Map to Recovery

Withdrawal, Honeymoon, The Wall, Adjustment, Resolution


Name 2 types of meetings that happen at AA or NA

Lead/Speaker, Topic, Step/Traditions, Big Book meetings. 


Addiction is a disorder of... Name 3 of the 5 'factors' that contribute to a person experiencing addiction. *think about Pleasure Unwoven*

Genes - Pleasure/Reward - Memory - Stress - Choice


Avoiding relapse drift involves identifying, checking, and actively strengthening these 'things'

*Bonus for naming 2 examples&

What are mooring lines?