Year Iota was founded?
What is 1929
The number of regions in the sorority?
What is 5
Founder of Iota Phi Lambda
Who is Lola Mercedes Parker
White Rose
What is the sorority flower?
The date the Epsilon Chi Chapter was chartered?
September 10, 2016
City and state where Iota was founded
Chicago, Illinois
White rose and green fern together mean
What is friendship and fascination
The greek letters for Epsilon Chi?
What is EX
Friendship and Fascination
What does the white rose and green fern together mean?
One of the founding members who is not Lola Mercedes Parker
Who is
Ethel T. Edwards, Mildred G. Hardin, Harriet M. Robinson, Ophelia Harrison, Burdette Trigg or Marjorie Tyndall
What is Iota Mothers Assistance Program?
The greek letter symbolized by the unofficial Iota handsign
What is the greek word for sister?