How much would you expect to pay for a gallon of milk?
If you start work at 9:00 AM, what time should you clock in?
8:55 AM - 9:00 AM
If you work from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, do you get a lunch break?
Yes, you should get at least 30 minutes
What should you do if you don’t understand a task at work?
Ask a supervisor or coworker for help
What is a good way to save money on groceries?
Look for sales, use coupons, or buy store brands
What is a reasonable price for a pair of sneakers?
If it takes 45 minutes to get to work and you start at 8:00 AM, what time should you leave?
~7:00 AM
Can you run errands during your lunch break?
Yes, as long as you return on time.
What should you do if you make a mistake at work?
Tell a manager and fix it if possible
If you get a paycheck for $300, but your rent is $600, can you afford rent?
No, you need to save more
You need a haircut. Would it be more reasonable to pay $30 or $300?
If your shift starts at 3:00 PM, but you are sick, when should you call out?
At least 2 hours before, or as soon as possible.
If you are on break, what should you do when your break time is over?
Go back to work right away.
If your boss asks you to do something you don’t like, should you refuse?
No, unless it’s unsafe or inappropriate
You have a job interview at 10:00 AM. What time should you arrive?
At least 10-15 minutes early
How much would you expect to pay for a new car?
If you start work at 3:00 PM and your shift is 6 hours long, what time does your shift end?
9:00 PM
If you forget to clock in, what should you do?
Tell a manager or supervisor as soon as possible
Your coworker is being rude. What is the best way to handle it?
Stay professional and talk to them privately. Then tell a manager if needed
If a bill is due on the 15th, when should you pay it?
Before or on the 15th
What is a reasonable price for monthly rent on a one-bedroom apartment?
If you get stuck in traffic and will be late, what should you do?
Call your job as soon as possible
If your lunch break is 30 minutes long, but you take 45 minutes, what might happen?
You could get in trouble or have your pay docked for the extra time
You finish your work early. What should you do?
Ask if there’s anything else to do
What is the best way to avoid being late to work?
Plan ahead, set alarms, and leave early