Case 1: June
Case 2: Sue
Case 3: Belinda
Case 4: Anne
Case 5:Mrs. Lucas

While taking out the garbage, June fell and thinks she sprained this part of her body.

What is her wrist?


The fact that Grace has become increasingly frail would be noted in this domain of Nutrition Assessment.

What is the Nutrition focused physical exam?

Since Belinda is taking Coumadin, she needs to maintain a consistent intake of this vitamin.

What is Vitamin K?


The fact that Anne is becoming weaker and more tired would be identified in this domain of nutrition assessment

What is nutrition focused physical exam?


The person who grocery shops for Mrs. Lucas

Who is her tenant?


These are the three medications she is currently taking.

What are lorazepam, candesartan and paroxetine? 


The lack of social support from some family members would be noted in this part of the nutrition care process.

What is nutrition assessment?


Current medication she is taking to control her diabetes.

What is Jardiance? (Empagliflozin)


Carol, the daughter that lives closest to Anne and Arthur, live this many miles away.

What is 40 miles?


This is her %UBW .

What is 91%


The reason she is taking the medications she is on.

What is anxiety/ depression?


Although Susan does not have the physical limitations that Grace has developed, this may be a barrier to her maintaining good nutritional status. 

What is caregiver burnout?


Belinda had this a few years ago that has affected her mobility and coordination.

What is a stroke?


Anne may be losing some of her social support as it is noted in this case she no longer goes to this place weekly because she is caring for Arthur?

What is church?


The canned soups, frozen foods,  chips and pretzels indicate this about her diet

What is high in sodium?


Given what you know from this case study, the section of the SGA that would score lower than normal - also, only section that is addressed in this case.

What is functional impairment?


Grace agrees to spend three months at this place. 

What is an assisted living facility?


Regarding her mobility, her ability to walk could be described with these two words.

What is difficult and slow?


The type of angina that Anne has, where she has chest pain on exertion, but not at rest. 

What is stable angina?


This is one reason given that Mrs. Lucas does not eat very much.

What is not liking to eat alone?


The type of benzodiazepine June is taking and concern/ one of the risks with taking this medication? 

What is Lorazepam and risk of falls/accidents? 


This could be an appropriate nutrition problem from the intake domain for Susan considering her increased level of stress

What is predicted inadequate energy intake?


These people may be helpful for her to access nutritious foods 

What are her nieces?


This is what COPD stands for

What is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?


This is how often her granddaughter visits.

What is twice per year?