What does BCA Mean ?
Behavioral Chain Analysis
What is mindfulness?
What is the quality of attention, awareness and presence you bring to everyday life?
Distress tolerance skills are used for...
What is surviving short-term crises without making it worse?
State 2 of 5 ways a person can respond to a serious problem that occurs in their life
What is figure out how to solve the problem, change how you feel about the problem, accept it, stay in your feelings about it, or to act on impulsive urges?
What days and times is ITM scheduled to occur?
What is Wednesday and Thursday from 5pm to 6pm.
BCA allows individuals to ?
Gain valuable insights into the factors contributing to their behaviors.
Reasonable mind is defined as
What is how you act based on your thinking?
The Pros and Cons list is...
What is defined as a list of pros and cons to help sort the positive and negative sides of a choice we are considering to make?
State 2 of why reasons why someone should accept reality...
Distress Tolerance Skills
Accepting reality
Continue ESC
Accepting reality for 200
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State 2 of why reasons why someone should accept reality...
What is rejecting reality does not change reality, changing reality requires first accepting reality, rejecting reality turns pain into suffering, refusing to accept reality can keep a person stuck in negative emotions?
The way youth earn CKH Dollaz weekly is...
Demonstrating learned ITM skills at CKH.
There are this many parts in a behavior chain.
What is the number 5?
Does everyone have a wise mind?
Marsha Linehan, the founder of DBT, states that everyone has a Wise Mind, because everyone has the capacity for wisdom.
The STOP skill stands for...
What is
S for stop
T for take a step back
O for observe
P for proceed mindfully?
Radical acceptance is defined as
What is accepting the things you cannot change?
Name 2 of your ITM group presenters.
Jordan & Elizabeth.
3 examples of vulnerability factors are
What is anxiety, depression, poor sleep, headache, previous argument, etc.
Emotion mind is defined as
What is how you act based on your feelings ?
The TIPP skill stands for
What is
T for tip the temperature
I for intense physical exercise
P for paced breathing
P for progressive muscle relaxation
Turning the mind is defined as
What is the process of noticing you are rejecting the reality and then making the commitment to accept reality?
Describe the CKH ITM store.
Prizes selected by the youth, stored in the ITM store for purchase with CKH dollaz.
The letters ABCEF belong on this part of the behavior chain
What are the links?
Wise mind is defined as
What is how you act based on what you are feeling and thinking?
Demonstrate either the Pros and Cons list, STOP skill, or TIPP skill
What is the role play begins?
The important thing to remember about radical acceptance involving the terms acceptance and approval is...
What is acceptance does not mean approval of the reality?
Where is the ITM store and who stocks it with selected items?
ITM store is held by the CKH office manager Ms. Akilah and Ms. Janiyah. They also stock the store.