Which prophet was able to communicate with animals?
Prophet Suleyman
Who was the first person to accept Islam after Khadijah?
Ali Ibn Abi Talib (RA)
Which Surah in the Quran mentions two prophets in it's last ayah?
Surah Al-Ala
What is the name of the battle during which the Prophet (SAW) was injured, losing two of his teeth?
The Battle of Uhud
How many takbirs are in the Janazah (funeral prayer)?
Four takbirs.
Which prophet’s nation was destroyed by a rain of stones for their immorality and disobedience?
Prophet Lut (AS)
Which sahaba was known for his unmatched knowledge and was called “The ink of Knowledge”?
Abdullah Ibn Abbas (RA)
How many years did it take for the Quran to be revealed completely?
23 years
What was the title given to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) by the Quraysh before prophethood?
Al-Ameen "The Trustworthy"
What are the 4 acts mentioned in the Quran for Wudhu?
Face, Arms, Head, Feet
Name all the Prophets that have a Surah named after them?
Nuh, Ibrahim , Yunus, Hud, Yusuf, Muhammad
Which sahabi was martyred at the Battle of Uhud while protecting the Prophet (SAW) with his own body?
Abu Dujanah
Name the only sahabi mentioned by name in the Quran.
Zayd Ibn Harithah (RA)
Who is the wife of Abu Lahab?
Ummu Jameel
How do you make Tayammum & How many salah can you pray with Tayammum?
Touch the ground, wipe your face, touch the ground, wipe your arms. 1
What Prophet did Allah stop the sun for?
Yusha (PBUH)
Who is the Sahaba Khalid Ibn Waleed accepted Islam with?
Amr ibn Al As
How many Sajdahs are in the Quran?
Which two angels are responsible for questioning the deceased in the grave?
Munkar and Nakir
What is the prayer for solar eclipse called?
Salat al-Kusuf
Name the Prophets that Muhammad SAW met in Mi’raj?
Adam, Yusuf, Isa , Musa, Harun, Ibrahim, Yahya, Idris
Who are the ten companions promised Jannah?
Uthman Ibn Affan, Abu-Bakir, Umar Ibn AlKhattab, Ali Ibn Talib, Talha ibn ubayduallah, Zubair Alawaam, Abdurahman Awf, Sa'ad ibn Waqas, Abdullah Jarrah, Sa'id ibn Zayd
Allah SWT told us to guard 2 things in the Quran, what are they?
1. Guard their private parts (23:5)
2. Guard their prayers (23:9)
Hawazan & Thuqayf
What is the fixed share of inheritance for a wife if her husband dies without children?
1/4th of his wealth.