Nature of the Intl System
Classical Realism
Structural Realism

the interactions between state and non-state actors 

What is international relations? 


Realists and Neorealists believe this provides them with security and the ability to achieve any national interest goal

What is relative power? 


This term, in which both sides betray each other for personal interests/security, explains why cooperation is almost impossible according realists

What is the prisoner's dilemma? 


Institutionalists stress the existence of (BLANK), supporting their claim that not every international game is necessarily zero-sum. 

What are mutual interests? 


the two fathers of realism 

Who is Hans Morgenthau? 

Who is Reinhold Niebuhr?


considered to be IGO's, NGO's, MNC's, academics

What are non-state actors? 


During WWII, Hitler was able to brainwash and manipulate his people into believing the idea of the aerian race. He instilled fear in those who dissented sometimes with NO use of physical force, stopping opposition dead in its tracks. Morgenthau believed in this kind of non-material strength called (BLANK)

What is psychological power? 

Consider the following scenario: 

The U.S. has 3 of the latest tanks to use in a hypothetical war, without considering domestic cultural and economic effects. 

North Korea has 1 only one tank that they will use BECAUSE they are considering outside factors OTHER than power such as domestic economy and culture. 

According to structure realists, the U.S. is sure to win because they have more (BLANK) than North Korea. 

What is relative power? 


Consider the following scenario: 

At a UN council meeting, the U.S. founds out that China has participated in actions that go against a legal agreement between the two states. As a punishment, the U.S. increases trade tariffs by 5% as a result of China's disloyal behavior. 

This concept of credibly punishing or rewarding another state using positive or negative forms of leverage is called (BLANK) 

What is reciprocity? 


the main philosopher associated with neorealism and the critique of Morgenthau´s principles 

Who is Kenneth Waltz?


this term locates the causes of state behavior on individual, state, or system based factors 

What are levels of analysis? 


Imagine the following scenario: 

The U.S. has immense diplomatic and military abilities. So does Russia. In a political disagreement, the U.S. decides to use economic sanctions and diplomacy strategies in order to achieve a peaceful agreement while Russia heads straight towards violent, militaristic action. Classical realists believe actions like those of the U.S. in this case would help states change their actions in a non-violent manner. 

The U.S.'s behavior is an example of...?

What is soft power? 


Consider this scenario regarding a main assumption of structural realism:

A new planet is created with 100 sovereign countries in which no higher international authority has been created to control the actions of the states. According to structural realists, (BLANK) an (BLANK) constrain and explain state behavior in the international system. 

What is anarchy? 

What is self-help? 


Institutionalists stress the importance of (BLANK), such as the UN, in order to achieve benefits unobtainable alone. These institutions increase cooperation by reducing (BLANK) through providing (BLANK)

What are institutions? 

What is uncertainty? 

What is information? 


this political figure was the one who put institutionalist theories into practice after WWI 

Who is Woodrow Wilson? 


a situation in which all individuals would be better off cooperating but fail to do so because of conflicting interests between individuals that discourage joint action 

What is the collective action problem? 


classical realists believe (BLANK) is the root of all conflict and war leading us to value (BLANK) over (BLANK) 

What is human nature? 

What is self-interest over morality? 


Name the three components of a state that coincide with specifically structural realist beliefs: 

States are....

What is primary actors of intl relations? 

What is unitary actors? 

What is rational actors? 


Consider the following hypothetical scenario: 

The U.S., China, France, and Germany are the only states on this earth. After decades of cooperation, China begins to demonstrate aggressive behavior that threatens peace and security. The U.S., France, and Germany decide to cooperate, gather their powers, and unite against China (the aggressor). In this scenario, all of the states agree that an aggressor against one state will be considered an aggressor against all other states, which will then cause the other states to repel the aggressor. This concept is called (BLANK). 

What is collective security? 


These two philosophers disagree about the human nature and the repercussions of anarchy 

Who are Immanuel Kant and John Locke? 


Territoriality + Mutual recognition + Monopoly on the legitimate use of force (autonomy and control)= 

What is sovereignty? 


Imagine the following scenario regarding one of the main assumptions of classical realism:

South Korea receives intel that North Korea is planning to launch a missile testing program against South korea as an act of aggression. South Korea knows its safety is in jeopardy; therefore, steps have to be taken very strategically to keep in mind the national interests and well-being of the country. 

In this case, South Korea's policies and responses will by determined by (BLANK) in order to achieve (BLANK)

What is power calculations?

What is national security? 


During the cold war, the U.S. and the USSR created a (BLANK) system that proved to be unstable as the U.S began to gain more international power. 

This concept that unipolarity leads to stabilization through the creation or rules and international order is called (BLANK)

What is a bipolar system? 

What is the hegemonic stability theory? 


Consider the following hypothetical scenario: 

The U.S., China, France, and Amnesty International all cooperate and commnicate with each other on a frequent basis in order to maintain trade deals, condemn human rights violations, and broaden travel options for citizens of each state. This mutual connectedness between state AND non-state actors is called the (BLANK). 

What is the complex interdependence theory? 


this philosopher claimed that under the state of nature, life is solitary, nasty, and brutish. 

Believed all people are equal, but because there is no government, people become selfish and do anything it takes for survival 

Who is Thomas Hobbes?