Finding Unit Rate
Understanding Proportional Relationships

a relationship between two quantities or values



John spent $36 on 4 basketballs. What is the unit rate for a basketball?



Mrs. Lopez types at a constant rate. The constant of proportionality for the relationship between the number of words she types, w, and the number of minutes she types, m, is 38. Write an equation to show this relationship.

w = 38m


A rate for one of something

Unit Rate


You bought 4 lbs of bananas for $3.36, how much is each banana?



A farm stand sells oranges in 3-lb bags for $3.75. Write an equation that represents the cost, c, for p pounds of oranges

c = 1.25p


A fraction that contains a fraction in the numerator, denominator, or both

Complex Fraction


Ms Rozario is buying dry erase markers for the class. She purchases a 36 pack of markers and her total is $42.75. What is the cost of a single marker? (round to the nearest hundredth)



Miguel mixes plant food with water to feed his plants. The instructions on the plant food say to mix 1 teaspoon of plant food into every 4 cups of water. a. Write an equation to show the relationship between cups of water, w, and teaspoons of plant food, f.

w = 4f, or f = 1/4w


The _____ ____ ______ is the ratio that relates two values in a proportional relationship, also known as the  ____ _____. 

Constant of Proportionality

Unit Rate

Scale Factor


You are helping your aunt figure out the fuel efficiency of her car. By the time her 15 gallon gas tank was empty, she traveled 312 miles. How many miles per gallon is her car getting?

20.8 mpg


The number of laps Jessica runs around the track is proportional to the time she spends running. She runs 12 laps in 1/2 hour. 

What is the constant of proportionality for the relationship between number of laps and number of hours? Show your work.



In a ______ Relationship, the two values change (increase/decrease) at the same rate and have a constant



In 36.5 weeks, Miguel raised $2,372.50 for cancer research. How was his unit rate in price per week?

$65 per week


Pablo mixes 3 units white paint and 1 unit black paint to make gray paint. What two equations show the relationship between units of white paint, w, and units of black paint, b?

w=3b, b=1/3w