translation E=S
I drink milk
Yo bebo leche
I run
Yo corro
she writes
Ella escribe
To live
Yo abro mì computadora
I open my computer
He learns Spanish
El aprende español
she drinks
Ella bebe
They live
Ellos viven
to describe
Bob writes in his notebook
Bob escribe en el cuaderno
They live in Spain
Ellos viven en España
They (girls) understand
Ellas comprenden
Yo compato
to read
Ella lee el libro
She reads the book
Tù crees en Santa Claus?
We have
Nosotros Tenemos
You (form.) open
to run
Ellos tenen dos hermanas
They have two sisters
Do we sell apples?
Nosotros vendemos manzanas?
You (form.) should
Ùsted debe
They (form.) attend
Ùstedes asisten
to sell
Los niños compaten las manzanas
the kids share the apples