400-1704 CE

The collection of stories compiled from 400-1100 contains a story about St. Patrick, who helped to bring Christianity to Ireland in 432 CE

Beasts and Saints (400-1100)


This Satirical text by Jonathan Swift was written in defense of the poor Irish Catholics that had been targeted by the penal codes of the Protestant Ascendancy

A Modest Proposal (1729)


This play by George Bernard Shaw comments on the control that Britain constantly has over Ireland throughout the years, a notable instance of which is the Act of Union in 1800

John Bull's Other Island (1904)


This play by Samuel Beckett was inspired by, and contains extensive imagery from the Potato Famine in 1845-1852

Waiting for Godot (1952)


This religious manuscript was kept (and possibly made) at Kells abbey in Ireland. An abbey founded in the early 9th century, presumably around when the book was first created

The Book of Kells (800)


This poem by Oliver Goldsmith vocalized the experiences of people affected by the enclosures that had been happening in Ireland starting in the 12th century that caused a lot of Irish people to Emigrate from Ireland in the 18th century

The Deserted Village (1770)


This short story by Irish writer James Joyce centers around the holiday commemorating Charles Parnell's death (1891)

Ivy Day in the Committee Room (1914)


This play by Irish playwright Brian Friel is centered around the historical and religious figure St. Columba who lived from 521-597 CE

The Enemy Within (1962)


This early Irish lyric is about a monk and the Viking Raids in the 9th century

The Wind is Wild Tonight (9th Century)


This novel explicitly states that it takes place before the Constitution of 1782, which increased the judicial and legislative power of the kingdom of Ireland

Castle Rackrent (1800)


This poem by W.B. Yeats remembers the Easter Rising of 1916 which was an Irish insurrection against the British government in Ireland

Easter, 1916 (1916)


This poem by Irish poet Seamus Heaney follows an Irish soldier fighting in the Irish Rebellion (1798)

Requiem for the Croppies (1969)


The scribe and compiler of this manuscript lived at Clonmacnoise until he was murdered in a Viking Raid

The Book of the Dun Cow (13th Century)


This poem by the Irish poet Thomas Moore had notes of his disgust of the slavery he had seen happening before slavery was abolished in Ireland in 1833

The Minstrel Boy (1813)


This poem by W.B. Yeats is about an Irish pilot who died fighting in WWI with the British Royal Air Force

An Irish Airman Foresees his death (1919)


This poem by Irish poet Seamus Heaney talks about a bombing and the funerals for the victims of Bloody Sunday (1972)

Casualty (1972)


This satirical text by Jonathan Swift that focuses on Catholics, Anglicans, and Dissenters and was partially inspired by the religious turmoil of the Glorious Revolution  

A Tale of a Tub (1704)


Lady Jane Wilde (mother of Oscar Wilde) wrote this poem in support of the Nationalist group "Young Ireland," formed in 1842

The Young Patriot Leader (1840's)


This poem by W.B. Yeats expresses the Chaos felt after WWI and by the beginnings of the Irish War of Independence like the Soloheadbeg Massacre (1919) where members of the IRA ambushed members of the RIC and stole the explosives they were transporting

The Second Coming (1920)


North is a poetry collection by Seamus Heaney and is the first of his works that directly deal with the Troubles in Northern Ireland

North (1975)