A league or an alliance of group of prople
A formal agreement signed by the Canadian government and First Nations people
What is a Treaty?
Due to an eclipse in 1142, we discovered the date that ___________ happened.
What is the Iroquois Confederacy?
The sixth nation to join the confederacy.
Who are the Tuscarora?
The lake that the Iroquois nations lived on.
What is Lake Ontario?
All the people of any particular time or place: their activities and customs
What is society?
The male leaders of each nation of the Iroquois Confederacy (not a chief)
Who are the Hoyaneh?
Iroquois used this type of historical transfers of information to pass down their heritage to many generations.
What is Oral History?
The keepers of the fire.
Who are the Onondaga?
The minimum number of clans a Nation can have.
What is three?
An agreement among a group of nations to support each other.
What is an alliance?
The identity that a group of people share which contributes to a sense of belonging
What is Collective Identity?
The five nations who originally formed the Confederacy.
Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawk
The Younger Brothers
Who are the Cayuga and the Oneida?
The TWO councils who made decisions before a Nation went to the Grand Council
Men's and Women's Council
Large, open dwellings where many families of the same Iroquois clan lived together
What is a longhouse?
Records of important events, ideas, contracts, pledges or treaties among nations, made by weaving specific patterns of shell beads into strings or belts.
What is Wampum?
The name of the council where consensus and decision making is done for final decisions.
What is the Grand Council?
The Older Brothers must have this before the Younger Brothers can make a decision.
The person who made all final decisions for a clan
Who are the Clan Mothers?
A community of people occupying and possessing a defined territory and united under one government
A treaty negotiated between the Iroquois Confederacy and people of European descent, based on mutual respect (be specific).
What is the Two Row Wampum Treaty?
What is the Great Law of Peace?
The name of the belt which records the structure and principles of the Iroquois Confederacy (a name of a person)
What is the Hiawatha Wampum Belt?
What is the Tree of Peace?