Plural form of cat.
What is cats.
Plural for of mouse.
What is mice.
Plural form of reindeer.
What is reindeer.
What is sheep.
A group of puppies is called...
What is a litter.
Plural form of bus.
What is buses.
Plural form of tuna.
What is tuna or tunas.
What is the plural form of piano.
What is piano.
What is the plural form of potato?
What is potatoes.
A groups of wolves is called...
What is a pack.
What is babies.
Is the noun singular or plural?
The goose honked loudly at the chicken.
What is singular.
Is the noun singular or plural?
A shark sheds and grows back its teeth many times throughout its life.
What is plural.
Is the noun singular or plural?
The gentleman carried our luggage to the room.
What is singular.
A group of dolphins is called...
What is a pod.
Plural form of leaf.
What is leaves.
What is the plural form of cactus?
What is cacti.
Complete the sentence with the correct plural.
Person often express doubt with their eyebrows.
What is people.
Is the noun singular or plural?
We saw many different kinds of tropical fish at the aquarium.
What is plural.
A group of ladybugs is called...
What is a loveliness.
Where does the apostrophe go on cats?
The cats toys.
What is cats'.
Where does the apostrophe go on childrens.
The childrens toys were quickly put away.
What is children's.
What is the correct plural possessive form for witch?
The ___ broom.
What is witch's.
Change the bold word to the correct plural noun.
What materials do builders use to make roof for houses?
What is roofs.
A group of cards can be called ___ or ___.
What is a pack or deck.