Past tense
Present perfect
Past perfect
What tense should it be?
Bend irregular verbs

Han spiste meget mad i går.

He ate a lot of food yesterday.


How is the present perfect made with irregular verbs?

As normal, the verb "to have" is bent in the present tense. However, one can not know how an irregular verb looks like in the participle. This is why it is necessary to look up the irregular verbs in the dictionary to learn how they are created in the participle.


How is the past perfect made with irregular verbs?

As normal, the verb "to have" is bent in the past tense. However, one can not know how an irregular verb looks like in the participle. This is why it is necessary to look up the irregular verbs in the dictionary to learn how they are created in the participle.


Landet blev splittet af borgerkrigen.

The country was split by the civil war.


Bend "to break" in the past perfect tense

I had broken 

you had broken 

he/she/it had broken 

we had broken 

you had broken 

they had broken


De sprang rundt i haven af glæde. 

They sprung around in the garden with joy. 


Præsidenten har valgt at besøge Danmark. 

The president has chosen to visit Denmark. 


Forældrende tilgive aldrig den unge mand for hvad han havde gjort. 

The parents never forgave the young man for what he had done. 


Det er vigtigt at feje gulvet, når det er snavset. 

It is important to sweep the floor when it is dirty. 


Bend "to seek" in the past tense

I sought

you sought

he/she/it sought

we sought

you sought

they sought


Familien valgte at rejse til Frankrig i stedet. 

The family chose to travel to France instead.


Drengen har brækket grenen i to stykker. 

The boy has broken the stick into to pieces. 


Den tunge last havde bøjet lastbilen. 

The heavy load had bent the truck. 


Familien Johnson havde valgt at rejse til Sverige og Norge. 

The Johnson family had chosen to travel to Sweden and Norway.


Bend "to spit" in the past tense

I spat 

you spat 

he/she/it spat 

we spat 

you spat 

they spat 


Hun red ned til vandet på sin hest. 

She rode down to the water on her horse.


Politimændene har søgt efter tyven siden sidste mandag.

The policemen has sought for the thief since last Monday.


Sidste lørdag havde Sarah revet brevet i stykker. 

Last Saturday Sarah had torn the letter into pieces.


Læreren fortalte eleven, at hun havde lært meget i år. 

Th teacher told the student that she had learnt a lot this year.


Bend "to forgive" en the present AND past perfect

I have/had forgiven 

you have/had forgiven 

he/she/it has/had forgiven 

we have/had forgiven 

you have/had forgiven

they have/had forgiven 


Nyhederne udsendte et program om bjørne. 

The news broadcast a program about bears. 


Damen har tilgivet den unge mand, der ødelagde hendes blomster ved en fejl. 

The lady has forgiven the young mand, who destroyed her flowers by accident. 


Artiklen havde omhandlet den stigende vold og kriminalitet i den lille by. 

The article had dealt with the rising violende and crime in the little town. 


Dagen efter indbruddet havde Jack og Sarah vist politiet hvordan tyvene var krøbet ind i huset. 

The dag after the robbery Jack and Sarah had shown the police how the thieves had crept into the house. 


Bend "to tear" in the past tense and the present perfect. 

I tore 

you tore 

he/she/it tore

we tore

you tore

they tore 


I have torn 

you have torn 

he/she/it has torn 

we have torn 

you have torn

they have torn