Verb Table
Fill in the blank
Verb Table
Fill in the blank
Verb Table

poner / put / __________ / ___________

put put


Yesterday I __________ a race and I won!



leer / read / __________ / ___________

leer read read read


I watched the jockeys as they ___________ their horses around the racetrack.



montar / ride / __________ / ___________

montar ride rode ridden


correr / run/ __________ / ___________

ran run


My mom _________ me a story every night when I was a kid. 



pagar / pay / __________ / ___________

pagar pay paid paid


Have you ________ the newest Marvel movie yet?



subir  / rise / __________ / ___________

subir rise rose risen


__________  / shake / __________ / ___________

batir / shake / shook / shaken


The couple wasn't happy with their food. First, they _______ their food back to the kitchen because it was too cold. Then, they ________ the food was too hot. After they had ________ the food back for a third time, they left the restaurant even though they hadn't __________.

The couple wasn't happy with their food. First, they sent their food back to the kitchen because it was too cold. Then, they said the food was too hot. After they had sent the food back for a third time, they left the restaurant even though they hadn't paid.


__________  / see / __________ / ___________

ver see saw seen


After my sister _______ the can of coke, it exploded. She _________ it on the table and ________ from her chair to go clean herself off. When she came back, she almost started to drink it when someone ___________ "wait! that's poisonous! I _______ that guy ______ something in it" Thank goodness she didn't drink it.

After my sister shook the can of coke, it exploded. She (put or set) it on the table and rose from her chair to go clean herself off. When she came back, she almost started to drink it when someone said "wait! that's poisonous! I saw that guy put something in it" Thank goodness she didn't drink it.


__________  / set / __________ / ___________

poner set set set


__________  / say/ __________ / ___________

decir / say / said / said


As she __________ her smoothie, the sun ________ just outside the window. She took a picture and _________ it to her mom, writing "Eating my breakfast while watching the sunrise."

As she shook her smoothie, the sun rose just outside the window. She took a picture and sent it to her mom, writing "Eating my breakfast while watching the sunrise!"


__________  / ring / __________ / ___________

sonar / ring / rang / rung


Have you ever __________ a camel? I have, and it was such a cool experience. We _________ our camels at night, while the stars ________ so bright. I only ______ 10 euros for the experience, and it was amazing!

Have you ever ridden a camel? I have, and it was such a cool experience. We rode our camels at night, while the stars shone so bright. I only paid 10 euros for the experience, and it was amazing!


__________  / sell / __________ / ___________

vender sell sold sold


__________  / sew / __________ / ___________

coser / sew / sewed / sewn


Yesterday, I went to a market and ________ my art. When I first arrived, I ______ my art on a table so the customers could see everything. Suddenly, I ________ a man try to steal from me. "Someone get him," I ________. Then, a man ____________ after the thief and got my art back. I was so lucky!

Yesterday, I went to a market and sold my art. When I first arrived, I set/put my art on a table so the customers could see everything. Suddenly, I saw a man try to steal from me. "Someone get him," I said. Then, a man ran after the thief and got my art back. I was so lucky!


__________  / shine / __________ / ___________

brillar shine shone shone


I can't believe my mom ________my dress in only 5 days. When I ________it, I ________it on right away because it was so beautiful. 

On the way to the dance, I ________in the car with my friends. When I was in the car, my mom ________me to tell me that the neighbor's house was on fire. I looked out of my window, and the fire  ________in the distance. The smoke even ________above the trees. My mom ________to me, "Don't worry - no one is hurt." I felt so relieved.

I can't believe my mom sewed my dress in only 5 days. When I saw it, I put it on right away because it was so beautiful. 

On the way to the dance, I rode in the car with my friends. When I was in the car, my mom rang me to tell me that the neighbor's house was on fire. I looked out of my window, and the fire  shone in the distance. The smoke even rose above the trees. My mom said to me, "Don't worry - no one is hurt." I felt so relieved.


__________  / send / __________ / ___________

enviar send sent sent