What does IRSH stand for?
Intensive Residental Service Home
Customer and staff are shopping at Walmart, customer states that they don't have any money and asks staff to purchase their items. Is this a boundary or not?
Johnny broke the glass container from the bathroom, used the broken pieces and made a superficial cut. Johnny's staff applied first aid.
A customer had a non-critical incident. Do you contact the crisis line?
What does OBH stand for?
Optimae Behavioral Health
Not boundary
Johnny's mother passed away and was experiencing an increase of his mental health symptoms, and requested a therapy appointment. Critical or non-critical?
24 hours unless barriers communicated
You are calling into your shift after hours for the next day. Who do you call?
What does OHH stand for?
Optimae Home Health
Staff gave their personal number to Johnny, customer, to let staff know when they are done with their appointment so they can be picked up.
A customer has a seizure while on shift that lasted 5 minutes. OHH was not called. Critical or non-critical?
What is the 'why' behind completing daily documentation? List 2 reasons
So billing can bill on note, how we're paid
Track trends
Who do you contact in cases of a medication mishap?
Jes/Clare and/or Crisis Line
What does the ABC stand for, in regards to the ABC tracker form?
Antcedent, Behavior, Consquence
A customer states that they really like another customer in the residential program. They would like to ask the other customer on a date and have them be their boyfriend. Boundary or not a boundary?
Not a boundary.
Johnny fell down the stairs while at home on Monday and stated he was fine. On Wednesday, he stated that he was in a lot of pain and requested to be seen at the urgent care clinic. Johnny was seen at the urgent care and diagnosed with a sprained ankle. Critical or non-critical?
Name 3 sections that are on the assessment page.
Time in and out
Non-billing times
Specific location
Critical or non-critical
Unusual behavior
Medication administration
Natural supports
Johnny has a marker cap in his mouth and staff are continuous attempting Johnny to spit out the cap. When do we contact emergency services?
Not until he has swallowed the cap, as most of the time, staff are able to de-escalate.
Latin phrase pro re nata, "as the situation demands"
Johnny called the police due to increase of his mental health symptoms. His housemate Bob answered the door and talked to the officer. Critical or non-critical?
Bonsus: Who's critical is it? 100 points
Why does your non-billable and billable time have to match your teammates, healthcare providers, and/or ADP?
Double billing
Medicaid fraud
A customer has injuried themselves and OHH requests that customer is to be seen at the ER. What do staff bring to the hospital with them? Name at least 5. Bonsus points if you can name 9.
MARs/medication list
Social History
Guardianship paperwork
Crisis plan
Safety plan
Insurance cards