for the plot of the new captain America movie which super hero takes up the mantle of Captain America
This TM's favorite food is Macaroni and Cheese
Sharnetta West
the famous line "Get to the Chopper now is from what 1980's movie?
This TM's Phobias are spiders and Heights
Jeremy smith
What movie was released first Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure or Dances with Wolves?
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure came out in February 1989 Dances with wolves was released in November 1990
On this TM's Uzone page they state " I am Mortgage Man!"
Ryan Muckerheide
Forrest Gumps short and concise funny line "It Happens" Is said after he did what?
Step in dog poo
When asked how will you spend your 10 years to live a dream this TM said " Maldives, Bora Bora, or Tokyo"
Jenn Hasaj
10 things I hate about you is a modernization of what Shakespeare play?
The taming of the shrew
When asked if this TM has any hidden talents they stated " Im a halfway decent singer"
Bill Fisher
What starts with a T, ends with a T, and has T in it?
a tea pot