Holy Mantle
Unlocked by default
What pickup has the text "<3"
Queen of Hearts
Boss Room
Perfect Vision
Head of Krampus
Kill Krampus
yvwa apc
Wavy Cap
What two colors is the Super Ball trinket?
Yellow and Red
Piggy Bank
Shop, Treasure Room
Buggy Headpiece
Glitched Crown
What boss does Lilith kill to unlock succubus?
The Lamb
het uoclovid ecutqnehi
The Ludovico Technique
What's the chance for broken ankh to revive you?
22% (more specifically 22.22%)
Yo Listen!
Treasure Room, Key Beggar
Dead bug child
Rotten Baby
What does Azazel unlock for boss rush?
The Nail
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Distant Admiration
What pickup has the text "Right behind you"
Soul Of Judas
Boss Room, Polyp
Force direction tear scope
What Character and Boss unlocks Genesis?
Jacob & Esau in Greedier
getrnsa otractatr
Strange Attractor
How much luck do you need for the Cartridge trinket to proc every time you are hit?
38 Luck
Blood Puppy
Ultra Secret, Curse Room, Red Chest, Treasure Room
Replace with Calcium Health
Brittle Bones