Early Life
3 Laws
What Goes Up..
Reach for the Stars
Isaac Newton was born in this country in 1643.
What is Europe?
Finish the statement.. Newton's Three Laws of ________ .
What is Motion?
It is said that Newton discovered the concept of gravity from the help of this delicious fruit.
What is an apple?
Isaac Newton attended this European college.
What is The University of Cambridge?
In 1668, Isaac Newton constructed the first _______.
What is a telescope?
This man was a prosperous local farmer, who died three months before Isaac was born.
Who is Newton's father (also named Isaac Newton)?
This law states, "An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion until another force acts upon it."
What is Newton's First Law of Motion?
Newton concluded that this force is responsible for a pendulum's motion based on the length of the string and the time of the swing.
What is gravity?
This person did not want Newton to attend college, but rather become a farmer instead.
Who is Isaac Newton's mother?
Newton concluded that ______ was made up of particles rather than waves. A. Sound B. Gravity C. Light D. Electricity
What is Light?
Newton enjoyed reading in school, but he preferred to learn by _______.
What is figuring things out for himself?
This law states, " For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."
What is Newton's Third Law of Motion?
If we lived on the moon, our weight would be different than it is on Earth. This is because the gravitational pull is much _______ on the moon.
What is weaker?
Newton was most interested in this subject during his school years. A. Mathematics B. Geography C. Chemistry D. Philosophy
What is philosophy?
When studying light, Newton used this glass object to break up the light into various colors.
What is a prism?
Newton had to take time off of school because The University of Cambridge closed temporarily due to an epidemic of _____________ spreading through England.
What is The Plague?
A ball rolling continuously down a hallway until it hits a wall is an example if which law of motion?
What is Newton's First Law?
Published by Newton, this book is said to be the most influential book about physics.
What is Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy)
Which famous scientist encouraged Newton to organize his notes and compose them into a book? A. Edmund Halley B. Bill Nye C. Albert Einstein D. Ben Franklin
Who is Edmund Halley?
In 1704, Newton published this second major scientific book, about light.
What is Opticks?
This is a mathematical system, similar to today's calculus, created by Newton to help calculate "changes".
What is The Method of Fluxions?
This law states, "Acceleration is equal to the amount of force applied to an object, with consideration of its mass." (The greater the mass of an object, the more force needs to be applied in order for the object to move.)
What is Newton's Second Law of Motion?
Isaac Newton's Universal Law of ____________ explains that all objects are attracted to each other by a force or pull. (The greater the mass of the object, the stronger the pull.)
What is Gravitation?
Isaac Newton was eventually asked to become a professor at his university, but many people felt that he was a ________ teacher. A. Fun B. Terrible C. Fake D. Wonderful
What is Terrible?
Newton was the first scientist to be knighted by the Queen of England, becoming _____ Isaac Newton.
Who is Sir (Isaac Newton)?