Author's Purpose
Literary Device
Main Idea/Minor Details
Context Clues
Why does an author write an expository text?
To inform.
As he worked, Chuck imagined building an entire carousel and giving it to the city of Missoula, Montana. Grateful for the successful life his immigrant2 ancestors had created in America, Chuck believed the gift would be a fitting way to repay that debt. Which of these is a synonym for the word grateful from paragraph 3? A. Helpful B. Careful C. Thoughtful D. Thankful
Which type of literary device is used in the text below? "With my eye on the dish, I swung my arm and tossed my dime, then shut my eyes. Clink! I opened my eyes." A. Onomatopoeia B. Tone C. Alliteration D. Rhyme
Which detail in the selection shows that this is a relaxing holiday? A. It is held in autumn. B. Families spend the evening eating, playing, and visiting. C. There are many different kinds of food to buy. D. People spend hours making floats.
Families spend the evening eating, playing, and visiting.
Papa surfaces on the other side of the canoe and looks at me with his ruby-red eyes. He is so close that I don’t even need binoculars. The band around his neck flashes green as he turns his long, pointed bill toward me. Clare tells me to stay very still. What does binoculars mean as used in paragraph 10? A. A tool used to guide a canoe B. A device used to call birds C. A tool used to catch small birds D. A device used to see far away
A device used to see far away
Why does an author write a persuasive essay?
To persuade the reader.
Which word is an antonym for mammoth as used in the sentence below? "But in 1896, a fire leveled the mammoth pachyderm." A. Funny B. Ugly C. Wide D. Tiny
What type of literary device is used in the text below? "She is as smart as Albert Einstein . . ." A. Metaphor B. Repetition C. Alliteration D. Simile
I’ve learned that loons are built for the water. On land, their huge feet don’t do them much good. Their legs are attached so far back on their bodies that it’s hard for them to walk, and running is almost impossible. Which of these is the main idea of paragraph 14? A. Loons are built for the water. B. Loons have huge feet. C. Loons' legs make running almost impossible. D. Loons' legs are attached far back on their bodies.
Loons are built for the water.
“‘Go ahead and toss for the dish,’ Ellie urged. ‘We have to start for home, or Papa will be cross, and Mama will make us do all the supper dishes. Do it!’ What does the word cross mean in the sentence below from paragraph 19? "We have to start for home, or Papa will be cross, and Mama will make us do all the supper dishes." A. Angry B. Going from one side to another C. Taking something away D. Overlapping
Why does an author write a narrative passage?
To entertain the reader.
What word means the same as leveled in the sentence below? "But in 1896, a fire leveled the mammoth pachyderm." A. Attracted B. Missed C. Destroyed D. Threatened
What type of literary device is used in the text below? "The grass is little green arms swaying in the wind ." A. Metaphor B. Repetition C. Alliteration D. Simile
No one knows for sure how this lovely custom got started. Some say it was started 700 years ago by a wife of a king who wanted to surprise and please her husband. Others say it started even longer ago as a special religious ceremony. But however it began, it is delightful. Paragraph 2 of this selection is mainly about -- A. when the holiday takes place B. what the floats are made of C. what people eat during the holiday D. how this holiday might have begun
How this holiday might have begun.
What is the meaning of the word restorations as used in the sentence below? "Once secured in her new location, lengthy repairs and restorations began." A. The process of buying land around an object B. The process of connecting two objects to each other C. The process of making an object like new again D. The process of selling all the parts of an object
The process of making an object like new again
The title of my article is "Funny Turtle Jokes." What would be the purpose of the article?
To entertain.
Though Lucy survived severe storms along the Atlantic coast for eighty years, the terrible storm of 1962 left her tattered and torn. Years of saltwater mists had already weakened her wooden “bones.” Years of sandy winds had worn her tin “skin” thin. No longer safe for curious tourists, Lucy’s doors were locked to the public. Which word is a synonym for the word tattered as used in paragraph 9? A. Spotless B. Rundown C. Empty D. Strong
What type of literary device is used in the text "I Have a Dream" by Martin Luther King, Jr.? A. Metaphor B. Repetition C. Alliteration D. Simile
There was a ma, Chuck, who wanted to build a carousel. He needed to get some money to build this carousel. Some children at the local school helped the man raise money to build the carousel. Chuck worried problems would occur. Wood-carvers offered to help make the ponies. They hired wood-carvers to build the animals on the carousel. When the carousel was complete, the man's dream had come true. Which of these is a minor detail in this passage? A. Children raised money for the project. B. Chuck imagined building an entire carousel. C. Chuck worried about many problems. D. Wood-carvers offered to help make the ponies.
Chuck worried about many problems.
What is the meaning of dustbin as used in the sentence below? "She gave some things to members of the family, some went to charity, and others landed in the dustbin." A. Trash can B. Filing cabinet C. Fireplace D. Cupboard
Trash Can
The name of my article is called, "Stop Cutting Down Trees!" What is the purpose of this article?
To persuade people to stop cutting down trees.
Give two examples-one of a pair of synonyms and one pair of antonyms.
Which literary device is used in the sentence below? "David dives down into Dropper's creek." A. Simile B. Alliteration C. Rhyme D. Metaphor
Animals 'speak' many strange languages by Sharon J. Huntington What is the main idea of the passage? A. Animals put their messages in lights. B. Animals show emotions through touch. C. Animals show anger through sound. D. Animals use their senses to communicate.
Animals use their senses to communicate.
“We hurried into our socks and shoes and rushed off to town. At first we just walked around and saw the sights. There was a merry-go-round, and it cost only a nickel, and a Ferris wheel, but it cost a dime, and there were other rides. Then we found the booths! They were bright with flags and balloons, and the barkers were calling to everyone to try for prizes. We looked at every booth, but I knew I could never win anything. I was too clumsy to throw a ball straight or even toss a beanbag. Which of these is the best definition of the word barkers as used in paragraph 13? A. Dish makers B. Talking machines C. Carnival-booth attendants D. Carnival animals
Carnival-booth attendants