Scientific Inquiry
Life Science
3 seventh graders want to find out what height of a ramp causes a marble to roll the farthest. How should they set up the investigation? a. Set up 3 different ramps at different heights and use one marble. b. set up the same ramp at different heights and use one marble c. set up 3 different ramps at the same height and use 3 different marbles d. set up the same ramp at the same height and use 3 different marbles
What is b. set up the same ramp at different heights and use one marble
Which of the following is the control center of both plant and animal cells? a. nucleus b. chloroplast c. cytoplasm d. cell wall
What is a. nucleus
Why are both humans and cats classified in the same family? a. cats and humans often live with each other b. cats and humans share common characteristics c. the sense organs of cats and humans are identical d. cats rely on humans for the food they need to survive
What is c. the sense organs of cats and humans are identical
A single inherited trait is determined by a. a single gene b. one or more genes, depending on the trait c. natural selection d. recessive genes
What is b. one or more genes, depending on the trait
Which would provide the best evidence of global warming? a. polar bears in Mexico b. groundhogs in hibernation c. armadillos in Canada d. Honey bees in Sumer
What is a. polar bears in Mexico
When scientists disagree on an idea, what is the most common reason for the disagreement? a. The scientists interpret the facts differently. b. Not enough facts have been gathered to form a reasonable opinoin. c. Some scientists have lower standards of truth than other scientists. d. Some scientists would rather debate ideas than consider facts.
What is b. not enough facts have been gathered to form a reasonable opinoin.
Which two organelles are found in plant cells but not animal cells? a. chloroplasts and mitochondria b. endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria c. vacuole and ribosome d. cell wall and chloroplasts
What is d. cell wall and chloroplasts
Which best describes and simple leaf? a. leaf veins go in one direction b. leaf made of only one leaf c. leaf veins go in two directions d. leaf made of many leaves
What is b. leaf made of only one leaf
What is the name of the famous scientists known as the Father of Genetics? a. Isaac Newton b. Gregor Mendel c. Robert Hooke d. Charles Darwin
What is b. Gregor Mendel
A bear with white fur is most likely to share its enviornment with a. a bear with brown fur b. a rabbit with white fur c. a fox with red fur d. a hairless dog
What is b. a rabbit with white fur
Which of the following is not a method scientists use to collect evidence? a. Making direct observations with the five sense b. Making educated guesses based on past experience and the results of past experiments c. Taking indirect measurements of things tha cannot be observed with the five senses d. Taking direct measurements with tools and other technologies
What is c. Taking indirect measurements of things that cannot be observed with the five senses
What is the end result of mitosis? a. energy fro the cell to use b. 2 identical cells c. green pigment for use in photosynthesis d. oxygen for plants to expel
What is b. 2 identical cells
Unicellular organisms are most like a. tissues b. plants c. tiny animals d. organs
What is c. tiny animals
What would be the possible outcomes for a female with the genotype Tt that mates with a male with the genotype Tt? Show your work on the board.
The outcome would be TT, Tt, Tt, tt.
Which famous scientist is known for the the Theory of Evolution and Survival of the Fittest? a. Robert Hooke b. Gregor Mendel c. Isaac Newton d. Charles Darwin
What is d. Charles Darwin
At one time, the model of our planetary system put the Earth at the center of the solar system with the Sun revovling around it. Which of the following statements shows deductive reasoning that supports this model? a. Because the Earth is the most significant portion of the universe, it must be at the center b. The Sun rises in the east and move across the west. c. One cannot feel the Earth revolving around the sun. d. Visual observations show that the Sun seems to be a much smaller sphere than the Earth.
What is c. one cannot feel the Earth revolving around the sun.
What products are made in the process of photosynthesis? a. carbon dioxide and water b. sugar and water c. sugar and carbon dioxide d. oxygen and sugar
What is d. oxygen and sugar
Using the dichotomous key what kind of leaf is pictured?
What is an oak leaf.
Female is to egg cell as male is to __________. a. zygote b. sperm cell c. sexual reproduction d. daughter cell
What is b. sperm cell
Animals and plants on the island continent of Australia are very different from those in the rest of the world. This is probably because of Australia's a. volcanoes b. plate tectonics c. isolation d. migratory animals
What is b. plate tectonics
Which tools should you use to compare the density of different objects? a. a stopwatch and ruler b. a thermometer and a balance c. a microscope and stopwatch d. a balance and a graduated cylinder
What is d. balance and a graduated cylinder
Which of the following cells is not capable of independent movement? look at the microsoft word document.
What is a. animal cell
Which of the following paired statements would not be useful in a dichotomous key? a. The butterfly's wings have 2 spots The butterfly's wings have 2 or more spots b. The butterfly's wings have only 2 spots. The butterfly's wings have more than 2 spots c. The butterfly's wings have no spots The butterfly's wings have dark spots d. The butterfly's wings have red spots only The butterfly's wings have red and green spots.
What is d. The butterfly's wings have red spots only. The butterly's wings have red and green spots.
Which organism is capable of limb regeneration? a. a sea star b. a human c. a bat d. a whale
What is a. sea star
Which statement best describes that camels (Africa) and llama (S. America) are descendants of a common ancestor. a. they both lived on two continents that split apart b. they both lived on a mountain where a volanoe erupted c. they both had the same parents d. they both adapted to Australian environment
What is a. they both lived on two continents tha split apart