This ability is a visual manifestation of life energy, that usually comes in the form of a silly looking guy.
His alchemic art has "been passed through this family line for generations!"
Alex Louis Armstrong
This character is determined to make 100 friends to overcome her shyness.
Komi Shouko
Kamina, Gurren Lagaan
There are this many official Hokage in the Naruto universe.
There are six types of this power, with Specialization being the rarest type.
Nen, Hunter x Hunter
This character wields a weapon that is too big to be called a sword. Seen more as a heap of raw iron.
This talented ninja is the heiress to her clan comes to the forefront following her crush on the main character.
Hinata Hyuga
Light Yagami, Death Note
14 Divisions
This scientific power system pulls direct reference to Aristotle and Nicolas Flamel to alter matter with natural energy.
This Cyborg is an integral part of a space bounty hunter team.
This shy legendary fighter wiped the floor with two of the world's strongest warriors on an icy continent.
Broly, Dragonball Super.
I see now that the circumstances of one's birth is irrelevent,it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.
Mewtwo, Pokemon
These numbers are often turned to shorthand for this pink haired main character
This anime's sorcerer power system is based on biology and the ability to manifest smoke from your body parts to form different skills.
This Scarred Road Warrior walks the wasteland seeking his wife.
Kenshiro - Fist of The North Star
A gender ambiguous character who spends most of their time being berated by their mother and their weapon.
Crona, Soul Eater
"People die when they are killed"
Shirou Emiya, Fate Stay/Night
The Longest Running Anime has over this many episodes and has been running since October of 1969.
7,500 - The Wonderful World of Sazae-San
This anime's power system uses personal items for clairvoyance in this battle royale.
Future Diary
This musclebound demon is known as the strongest creature on the planet.
Yujiro Hanma
This hero is known as the big 3 of his class, but cannot stand the spotlight.
Tamaki Amajiki, Suneater
"If the King doesn't lead, how can he expect his subjects to follow?"
Lelouch, Code Geass.