Which prophet was born in mecca and received his first revelation in a cave?
During this month, Muslims fast from dawn to sunset
The quran says all life originated with this substance?
water ("We made every living thing from water" 21:30)
What is the phrase muslims use for "God Willing"
This important structure in Islam was built by the prophet Abraham and his son
What is the Kaaba?
Which prophet built the ark and saved pairs of all creation from the flood?
Muslims pray facing this holy city in Saudi Arabia
This 11th-century Muslim scientist is considered the father of modern optics and discovered how vision works
Ibn al-Haytham
Before praying, Muslims perform this act of cleansing
Wudu (ablution or ritual washing)
During the Middle Ages, this Muslim city had street lights, 70 libraries, and public baths while Europe was in the Dark Ages
What is Cordoba?
Despite never being burned, this prophet was thrown into the fire by his people for speaking against idol worship
What are the 5 pillars of Islam?
declaration of faith (shahada), prayer, charity (zakat), fasting Ramadan, and pilgrimage (hajj)
The Quran is known for having established this biological phase of human life? What is it?
The embryo (stages of birth)
What phrase do muslims use after naming a prophet
Peace be upon him/them (if multiple)
Muslims invented this popular morning drink that spread worldwide
What is coffee?
God gave this prophet the ability to speak with animals and control wind?
These 5 prophets are given are known for their strong will
Muhammad, Jesus, Abraham, Moses, Noah
Quran mentions this astronomical fact about the universe that wasn't confirmed until the 1920s
Universe is constantly expanding ("And the heaven We built with Our hands, and indeed We are expanding it" 51:47
What is the muslim holiday that comes after ramadan?
What is Eid
Muslims preserved ancient knowledge by translating books into Arabic during this time period.
What is the Islamic Golden Age?
This prophet is known for his patience, losing wealth, health, and his family.
Who is Job?
How many years did it take for the Quran to be revealed?
23 years
The Quran describes these two bodies of water that meet but don't mix, maintaining their distinct properties
What are fresh and salt water (mentioned in 25:53)
The muslims follow this action of Jesus, Moses, Muhammad and other prophets while praying.
Prostration (sajood)
Muslim astronomers founded this famous scientific center in 830 CE to study stars and translate texts
What is the House of Wisdom?