what is the Longest surah?
Surah Al-Baqarah
How many prophets are mentioned in the Quran
25 prophets
What is tawheed?
Believing in the oneness of Allah
What is the most viewed youtube video?
Baby Shark (10B views)
Write "Allah" in arabic:
What is the shortest surah?
Surah Al-Kawthar
What prophet got swallowed by a whale?
Prophet Yunus (a.s)
What is the night the quran was revealed?
Laylat ul Qadar
Who played tony stark / Iron man?
Robert Downey Jr.
Write "Ilm" in arabic:
What is Surah An-Nasr about?
The prophet Muhammed (s.a.w) last speech
Which prophet is mentioned the most in the quran?
What are the 5 holy books?
Quran, Injeel, Torah, Books of Ibrahim, and Zabur
Who is known as " the muslim JB"?
Harris J
Write "shar" in arabic:
How many pages are in the quran?
604 pages
When was the prophet Mohammed (s.a.w) born? (islamic callendar)
12 Rabi' ul Awwal
What is the most viewed nasheed on youtube?
Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (559 views)
What is the most watched movie?
Titanic (1997)
Write "Falaq" in arabic:
What was the last surah sent down?
Surah An-Nasr
How many prophets spoke arabic?
How many times do you make tawaf around the kaaba?
7 times
What is the oxford comma?
A comma put after a list of things but before the word and.
example( I love eggs, gold, chocolate',' and chips.)
Write "assamad" in arabic: