The name of the fifth pillar of Islam, in which every believer must travel to the birthplace of Muhammad at least once in their life.
The name of the religion practiced by Muslims.
By the time he was a young boy Muhammad had lost what?
His parents
The belief in one god is called...
What did Muhammad do for a living before his religious career?
He was a tradesman.
In order to perform the Salah, one must pray in the direction of what?
Mecca or the Kaaba.
The holy book of Islam
Qu'ran (or Koran)
Muhammad had a good reputation amongst the people of Arabia before he became a prophet. What was he known as?
Al'amin (the trustworthy).
The belief in many Gods is called...
Before a prayer, what should a Muslim person do to purify themselves?
Wash body (hands and feet).
What is Sawm and who should not participate?
Fasting during the month of Ramadan.
Pregnant women, the sick and travelers should not participate (there are also other examples).
According to Muslims, who built the Kaaba?
The Angel Gabriel.
Roughly 1 in how many people are Muslims in the world today?
1 in 4
It is said that the Zakat purifies you of...
About how much of one's wealth must be given away every month for the Zakat?
The name of a religious figure who typically receives a message from God and brings it to the people.
Jerusalem is a holy city for Muslims. Describe and name the event that is described in the Qu'ran that made it so.
The Night Journey (Winged horse takes Muhammad to Jerusalem where he meets God).
Famously, the Koran was not written by Muhammad because...
What is the name of the holy month of Sawm?
What is the Shahada?
The recitation of faith for the people of Islam ("There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet").
The name of the city the Prophet Muhammad took refuge in after fleeing Mecca.
Yathrib (or Medina).
Provide three reasons why Muhammad's message was met with resistance when he returned from his meeting in the mountains.
1. People of Arabia were Polytheists. Muhammad was Monotheistic.
2. Tourism - His message threatened travel to Mecca on Pilrimage.
3. Wealth - The wealthy did not want to give up their money.
The Hijrah and the moon (Lunar calendar).
After a long war with the people of Arabia...
1. in what year did the Muslims take control of Mecca and
2. what did they do once they had control?
1. 630
2. Smashed idols and purified the Kaaba. (They also freed all prisoners and forgave enemies).