What was the name of the people who lived in the Arabian Peninsula prior to the introduction of Islam?
What are the Five Pillars of Islam?
2. Praying 5 Times a Day
3. Giving Alms to the Poor
4. Fasting during Ramadan
5. Hajj to Mecca
Which Caliphate is considered the Golden Age of Islam?
Abbasid Caliphate
Which leader is responsible for the early expansions of the Mongol Empire? He was known for his ruthlessness.
Genghis Khan
How did Ghana emerge as a powerful empire on the West Coast of Africa?
Controlled trade--specifically gold for salt along the Trans-Saharan trade route.
What are the three things Muhammad criticized about Bedouin culture?
1. Polytheism
2. Tribal Loyalty
3. Commercial Practices
Who were considered "The People of the Book"? (Hint: As Islamic Empires expanded, they could not enslave them).
Christians and Jews
What was the name of the private library created in Baghdad?
House of Wisdom
What is Pax Mongolica?
Mongolian Peace--trade and culture flourished in the areas the Mongols controlled.
Who founded the Mali Empire?
How many followers did Muhammad have after three years?
Trade routes and Military Conquest
What was the reason for the fall of the Abbasid Empire?
The Mongol invasion of 1258
What area of the world did the Golden Horde control and which religion did they adopt?
Russia; Eastern Orthodox Christianity
What was significant about Mansa Musa in the Mali Empire?
He took his hajj to Mecca and returned with a deepened devotion to Islam--began constructing mosques and educating people on Islam.
What animal was used to transfer goods in the Arabian Peninsula?
What caused the Sunni/Shia split in Islam?
Debates on leadership following the death of Muhammad?
What is Ibn Sina famous for?
Wrote the Canon of Medicine--first major medical book
What area of the world did the Il-Khanate control and which religion did they adopt?
Middle East; Islam
Which city was one of the most important trade/learning cities in the Mali Empire?
How was Islam similar to Christianity and Judaism?
Shared lineage with Abraham, Moses, and Jesus
What did the Sunnis believe? What did the Shias believe?
Sunni: Leader should be elected
Shia: Leader should have connections to Muhammad
What trade routes did the Islamic Empires control? (hint: 4 of them)
1. Mediterranean
2. Silk Road
3. Trans-Saharan
4. Indian Ocean
How did the Yuan Dynasty (Kublai Khan) seek to eliminate Chinese culture when they took over China?
Eliminated the Civil Service Exam; Promoted religious tolerance; allowed foreigners positions of power (Like Marco Polo)
What two languages combined to create the Swahili Language, which was mainly used as the trade language in Swahili City-States?