How many chapters are in the Quran
Which prophet was a rich king
Souleymane (A.S)
Names the 5 pillars of Islam
Shahada, zakat, salat, pilgrimage,sawam
What do we do in the month of Ramadan
What surah is recited in every prayer
What was the first Surah revealed
Which Prophet have us the Dua that is used to " open our chest and untie our tongue"
Musa A. S
What country do people go to for the pilgrimage to hajj
Saudi Arabia
What month is Ramadan celebrated
How many sunnah prayers for each prayer
Fajr -2 rakah before dzuhr 2 or 4 rakahs before prayer 2 after asr 4 rakahs before magrib 2 rakahs after salah isha 4 rakahs before and 2 after
What is the only Surah named after a women
Surah Mariyum
Which Prophet is referred to the friend of Allah swt
Ibrahim A.S
What do muslims face when praying?
The Kaba
Why do we fast
To obtain Taqwa
What do we make before salat
What are the names of the 3 Quls surahs
Iklas, Nas, Falaq
Which Propher took a trip from Mecca to Jerusalem to Heaven in one night. Also known as the journey Al-Isra' wal-Mi'raj
Mohammed SAW
Prophet Mohammed SAW came to do what?
Perfect Humanity
What chapter in the Quran is the decree of fasting located
Surah Baqarah
What invalidates salat? Name 3
Talking eating not facing the Qibla willful neglect of any essential posture, laughing, uncovered parts that should be covered anything the nullifies wudu
How long did it take to reveal the entire Quran
23 years
This prophet is a direct dependent of Ibrahim A.S
Mohammed SAW
What is considered the best fast? And how often is it
the fast of Dawud everyother day
Fasting Ramadam was made obligatory in what month
The month of Shaban
What sunnah salat is done at night and what part of the night and why at that time
Tahajjood the last 3rd because Allah swt has ascended to the lowest heaven