What is the first Pillar called?
What is Shahadah?
How did Muhammad create the Qur'an?
What is he went into a cave where Angel Gabriel spoke to him and told him Allah's final word to humankind?
What is the first Pillar?
What is belief in one god?
What is the second Pillar?
What is prayer?
What is the name of the second pillar?
What is Salat?
What is the example Muhammad set during his life that Muslims still use today?
What is the Sunnah?
Is Islam Monotheistic or Polytheistic?
What is Monotheistic?
What might a Muslim person say when praying?
What is "Allahu Akbar"? Muslim people might also have prayer beads and recite parts of the Qur'an.
What do Muslims call god?
What is Allah?
What is the Qur'an?
What is:
The Qur'an is the book that Muhammad wrote down Allah's final words to the people. Unlike Christianity, this holy book is from god, by god, god's exact words.
How did Muhammad become the prophet?
What is Angel Gabriel told him Allah's final message to humans?
How does Salat affect Muslim's lives?
What is they may try to pray right before they die. Muslims might also whisper prayers to their young children.
What is the example/guide Muhammad set during his life?
What is Sunnah?
What does Sunnah teach?
What is Sunnah teaches Muslims to never let your guests leave hungry, and kids to obey their parents. Religiously, the Sunnah is second most important, after the Qur'an. The Sunnah basically teaches Muslims to be kind and compassionate.
How many gods do Muslims believe in?
What is one?
How many times do Muslims pray a day?
(two extra points for when in the day and which direction they face)
What is five times a day?
(Sunrise, midmorning, noon, midafternoon, sunset, and they face Mecca)
What was the name of the book that Muhammad wrote god's final words to humankind in?
What is the Qur'an?
Why is Sunnah important to Muslims?
What is Sunnah is important to Muslims because it helps them know what they might do in certain scenarios. It helps them to know how to be the kindest and most gracious person they can be.
What is the declaration of Faith?
What is:
"There is no god but god, and Muhammad is the Prophet."
What's a muezzin?
What is a person who calls people to prayer five times a day in a Muslim community?