Who brought the revelations of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
Jibreel (AS)
How many Surahs are there in the Quran?
How many verses are there in Surah Fathihah?
How many good deeds does one earn by reading a single letter from the Quran?
How many verses are there in Surah Ikhlas?
Where did the first revelation of the Quran take place?
Cave Hira
What is the first Surah in the Quran (Mushaf)?
Surah Fathiha
In Surah Al-Fatiha, what does "Ar-Rahman" mean?
Most Gracious/Merciful
What is the punishment for the disbelievers from the People of the Book and Polytheists?
Eternal Hellfire
What is the main theme of Surah Al-Ikhlas?
Oneness of Allah
How old was the Prophet when he received the first revelation?
40 years
What does "Rabb-al-aalameen" refer to?
Lord of all Worlds
Which surah number is Bayyinah in the Quran?
What is the opposite of Tawhid?
What is the significance of Surah Alaq in the Quran?
It contains the first revelation
What is the name given to Surah Fathiha?
Umm al Quran (Mother of the Quran)
Who are referred to as "Ahl al-Kitab" in Surah Bayyinah?
Jews and Christians
What does Tawhid mean in Islam?
Oneness of Allah
How long did the Quran take to be revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
23 years
What is the Arabic root word for "Quran" and what does it mean?
Qara, meaning to read or recite
According to Surah Fathiha, who went astray?
What does "Sharr ul Barriyyah" mean?
Worst of creatures
What is Shirk?
Associating partners with Allah