Rightly Guided Caliphates
Stop of Expansion
From what area of the world did Islam first grow?
The Arabian Peninsula.
Who was the first caliph of Islam after Muhammad's death? What was his relation to Muhammad?
Abu Bakr. His father-in-law.
What was the battle that effectively ended Islamic expansion into Europe?
Battle of Tours
What is one of the main forms of artistic decoration for Islamic mosques?
Where did the Umayyad caliphate move the capital of the empire to?
How big was the Islamic Empire compared to that of the Roman Empire?
At its height, it was 5.8 million square acres and was TWICE the size of the Roman Empire.
Why are the first four caliphs called "The Rightly Guided" caliphs?
They have a direct connection to Muhammad and helped establish many of the dogmatic practices of Islam.
What civilization effectively held the spread of Islam in check from the east for many years before finally being defeated by the Ottomans?
They Byzantines? Location, location, location!
What are two forms of recreation that Islamic culture spread to popular culture?
Polo and Chess.
What were the nicknames of the leaders on each side of the Battle of Tours?
Charles "The Hammer" Martel Adb-ar-Rahman, “The Just”
What did ruling caliphates force non-Muslims to do once they conquered them?
To pay a tax if they wanted to keep worshipping their own religion.
Why was Ali assassinated under his rule as caliph?
A support of his did not like that he made peace with a rebellion instead of simply destroying them.
Why did the Islamic Empire think that Europe was weak and would be easy to conquer?
There was no unified leader, instead there were a fractured group of smaller kingdoms, each with their own leader. It did not seem like any single one of them would be able to stop the Islamic army.
How did ancient Rome help along the expansion of the Islamic empire?
They used their system of roads to move troops and supplies as they expanded.
What is the Umayyad Caliphate most know for?
Uthman, the first Umayyad caliph, selected the official version of the Qu'ran. They expanded the territory across Northern Africa, further into Asia, and into Spain and Portugal. They were also known for living very lavish lifestyles, appointing family members to key positions, and taxing all non-Arab people.
How did Omar change the structure of rule for the Islamic Empire?
He was the first to let non-Muslims keep their religious practices if they paid a tax. This system was followed for decades and became a great incentive to convert people to Islam without "forcing" them.
What is the reasoning for some historians as to why Muslims never again tried to push that far north into Europe again?
There were not enough big and rich cities for them to bother coming to fight. The climate was also not suited for their agricultural practices.
What sciences did Islamic culture help provide great advances to?
Zoology, astronomy, city planning (irrigation, underground wells)
What direct connection to Muhammad did the Abbasid caliphate have?
The great grand nephew of Muhammad lead a rebellion against the Umayyad.
Why was Islam able to spread so much more quickly than Judaism or Christianity?
There were already establish monotheistic religions in the region - Christianity/Judaism - so it would not have been as new and crazy. Also, Islam was much more welcoming under their rule by allowing people to keep their rulers, religion if they paid a tax, and provided services and charity to those in need. They also had a professional and dedicated army.
How did the rule of the Islamic empire change after the death of Ali? What major impact did it have on the religion and culture as a whole?
Rulers no longer had a direct connection to Muhammad and began to incorporate other leaders/ideas/philosophies into Islamic culture. The lack of a leader directly related to Muhammad cause a schism between followers and created the Shia and Sunni sects of Islam.
How did the victory of Charles Martel change the future of Europe?
It solidified that Europe was Christian and also finally gave rise to a clear leader of Europe. Martel established a lasting family dynasty that went on to lead and shape modern Europe as we know it.
What was one of the most innovation feats of their mathematical accomplishments?
They developed a full field of algebra, we still use their number system today, they spread the idea of "0".
How were the Franks able to defeat the invading Islamic troops?
They fought on higher ground, they raided their camp during the battle for their treasure, they maintain strict lines of pikes to defeat cavalry, they killed the Islamic leader forcing the withdraw of the rest of the army.