Name 4 surahs that are named after animals
BONUS: Name a surah that is named after a person who is not a Prophet
Surah Al-Ankabut, Al-Fil, An-Naml, An-Nahl, Al-Baqarah
Surah Maryman and Luqman
How many prophets were mentioned in the Quran and how many prophets have been sent throughout all of history?
25; 124,000
This companion was gifted to the Prophet as a child, narrated over 1000 ahadith, and served him for 10 years...
Anas ibn Malik
Name the first companion to compile the Quran and the first companion to transcribe the Quran.
Abu Bakr and Zaid ibn Thabit
Name the 6 authentic books of Hadith
BONUS: name the 2 scholars who compiled the Muwatta and Musnad
Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abi Dawud, Jami` al-Tirmidhi, Sunan al-Nasa`i, Sunan Ibn Majah
Imam Malik and Imam Ahmed
The first 3 revelations to the Prophet PBUH came from which surahs?
Al-Alaq, Al-Muzzamil, Al-Muddathir
This Prophet was the first to write with the pen
This female companion was the first martyr in Islam.
Bonus: Who killed her?
Sumayyah bint Khayyat
Abu Jahl
This person was considered the 5th rightly guided Caliph...
Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz
What is the first Hadith in Imam An-Nawawi's Riyadh Al-Salaheen?
"Actions are according to intentions, and everyone will get what was intended. Whoever migrates with an intention for Allah and His messenger, the migration will be for the sake of Allah and his Messenger. And whoever migrates for worldly gain or to marry a woman, then his migration will be for the sake of whatever he migrated for."
Who is the only companion mentioned by name in the Quran?
Zaid ibn Harith
In which heaven did the Prophet PBUH encounter Idris, Adam, Musa, Harun, Ibrahim, Yusuf, Jesus and Yahya
This companion was sent as a delegate by the Prophet PBUH to teach the people of Madinah their religion before the Migration?
Bonus: Who were the 2 leaders of the Aws and the Khazraj in Madinah that converted.
Musab Ibn Umair
Saad ibn Muath and Saad ibn Ubadah
This Islamic empire ruled over Spain for nearly 800 years.
The Umayyad Caliphate
Which famous hadith mentions Islam, Iman, and Ihsan, and is narrated by Umar ibn Al-Khattab
Hadith of Jibreel
Which chapters gave the Prophet PBUH gray hair?
Surah Hud, Waqiah, Mursalat, An-Naba, At-Takweer
Mention 1 miracle of Prophet Musa, Ibraheem, Dawud, Suleiman, Zakariyah, Isa, and Muhammad
Musa's staff, shining hand, splitting of the sea
Ibraheem coming out of fire unharmed
Dawud could bend iron
Suleiman could control the wind, jinn, and speak to animals
Zakariyah was blessed with a child after his wife was barren
Isa brought the dead back to life, cured leprosy, cured the blind
Muhammad split the moon, Isra and Miraj, The Quran
This companion was washed by the Angels after being martyred in the Battle of Uhud
Hanzala ibn Abi Amr
This major battle between the Mongols and the Muslims resulted in the Mongols' first major defeat?
The Battle of Ain Jalut
List at least 4 of the 5 requirements for a hadith to be considered Sahih...
1. Continuity in the chain of narrators
2. Integrity of character (honest)
3. Infallible retention (good memory)
4. Freedom from any oddness in its isnaad and text
5. Freedom from faults in its isnaad and text
Which Surah with a sajdah was the first to be revealed to the Prophet PBUH?
BONUS: What year of revelation was this surah revealed?
Surah An-Najm was revealed in the 5th year of revelation
Name 20 Prophets mentioned in the Quran...
Who were the 10 companions promised Paradise in this life?
BONUS: This companion was among the 10 promised paradise and was the only one who the Prophet PBUH said "May my mother and father be sacrificed for you."
This is the year the Ottoman Empire officially ended...
BONUS: Which 2 Muslim Empires ruled before the Ottomans?
Umayyad and Abbassid
Name the 5 of the 7 companions who narrated the most Hadith from the Prophet PBUH
1. Abu Hurayrah
2. Abdallah Ibn Umar
3. Anas ibn Malik
4. Aisha bint Abu Bakr
5. Abdallah Ibn Abbas
6. Jabir Ibn Abdullah
7. Abu Saeed Al-Khudri and Saad ibn Malik ibn Sinan