Stories of the Prophets
Stories of Prophets II
Life of Prophet Muhammad SAW
Wild Card

The last Messenger of Allah SWT is

Who is Prophet Muhammad SAW?


Is 'Isa AS dead or not

'Isa is _____

What is "not dead" or "alive"

He is alive and has been raised to Jannah


The first wife of Prophet Muhammad SAW



The language is the Quran in?

What is Arabic 

The five pillars of Islam according to the Prophet SAW

What is ""Islam is that you should testify that there is no deity except Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger, that you should perform salah, pay the Zakah, fast during Ramadan, and perform Hajj to the House, if you are able to do so." 


The prophet that tried to sacrifice his son as a test of loyalty to Allah SWT but his son was quickly replaced with a ram by the mercy of Allah SWT

Who is Prophet Ibrahim AS?


The tyrant that was going against Musa AS and died from the Red Sea even after saying his shahada in his last moments

Who is Firaun


The prophets age when he died? 


(In Hijri Years) 


The month was the Quran revealed

What is Ramadan


The country with the most Muslims



The prophet who made a ship with the believers and animals on board to save them from a flood

Who is Prophet Nuh AS


The father of Suleiman AS

Who is Daud AS


The times of the Prophet Muhammad SAW's life where his father and mother died

(You don't need to know the year, just according to the Prophet SAW's life)

What is "His father died before he was born"

What is "His mother died when he was 6 years old "


The number of Surahs that are in Quran

What is 114?
This mountain is where the Prophet Muhammad SAW received his first revelation

What is Jabal Al-Nour


Tthe people of Salih AS who was given a she-camel and disobeyed Allah by slaughtering it?

Who is Thamud 


This event happened where the Prophet Ayyub AS finally asked Allah SWT for his mercy to fix his suffering

What is "When he saw his wife had cut her hair"


The name of the year that the Prophet Muhammad SAW was born called

(Not the actual year, just what it's known as)

What is "Year of the Elephant"

'Am Al-Fil


This term refers to the recitation in Quranic Arabic, which focuses on perfecting the pronunciation, articulation, and intonation of each letter and word. 

What is Tajweed


The six pillars of Iman are

What is "Belief in Allah, his angels, his books, his messengers, the Last Day, and qadr (fate)"

"It is that you believe in Allah and His angels and His Books and His Messengers and in the Last Day, and in qadar (fate), both in its good and in its evil aspects."


The prophet is NOT mentioned in the Quran but is mentioned in hadith 

His people were the first to have music and adultery (zina)

Who is Sheath AS


The number of children that survived after the Prophet Muhammad SAW's death

What is 1?



The name of the mosque that the Prophet Muhammad SAW built while on his journey to Medina 

The first mosque that was built?

What is Masjid Quba


According to the Quran, Allah SWT is the master of _____

What is The Day of Judgement?

After this Salah is when the Islamic Day starts

What is Maghrib?

(Each day is donated by starting after sunset. i.e Today: Rabi'ul Awwal 1, started at Maghrib)

(Its also why you're allowed to receive the reward of reading Surah Kahf after Maghrib on Thursday night)