
This verse, known for its significance in providing protection, is often referred to as the "Verse of the Throne."

What is Ayat al-Kursi (2:225)?


This angel is responsible for blowing the trumpet to announce the Day of Judgment. His role signifies the commencement of the final resurrection

Who is Israfil?


This is the obligatory dowry that must be given to the bride by the groom as part of the marriage contract.

What is Mehr?


According to a well-known Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad said that the first thing a person will be questioned about on the Day of Judgment is this act of worship, which is central to daily Islamic practice.

What is Salah?


Name 5 pillars of Islam 

What is Shahada, Salah, Zakat, Sawm, Hajj?


It is recommended to memorize the first ten ayahs of this Surah as protection from Dajjal.

What is Surah Kahf (Chapter 18)? 


On the Day of Judgment, each person will receive their book of deeds. Receiving it in the right hand signifies success, while receiving it in the left hand signifies failure. This book in arabic is called...

What is Kitab?


According to Islamic teachings, a husband is obligated to provide these basic necessities for his wife.

What is...

Food, Clothing, Shelter, Spending, everything that fits within the 5 pillars of Islam, etc. 


In a famous Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad said that giving charity does not decrease one's wealth. Why?

"Charity does not decrease one's wealth, it rather increases it". Allah will give you more that what you gave. 


Name 6 pillars of Iman

What is believing in Allah, His books, His angels, His messengers, DOJ, & Qadr (Destiny)?


This Quranic surah is named after a city in Egypt and mentions a prophet who rose to a high rank in Pharaoh's court.

What is Surah Yusuf (Chapter 12)?


On the Day of Judgment, everyone’s deeds are accounted for and recorded. This term is used to describe the process of reckoning or judgment of one's deeds.

What is Hisab?


These are the four key conditions that must be fulfilled for an Islamic marriage to be valid.

What are the proposal and acceptance, witnesses, contract, and mehr?


In a known hadith about charity, the Prophet Muhammed (saw) said give charity so that when your right hand gives, your left hand...

Doesn't see/know


Who was Prophet Sulaiman able to communicate with?

What is the angels, jinns, and animals?


This term, used in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:286), refers to the concept of a heavy burden or responsibility that Allah does not place upon any soul beyond its capacity. It is a key concept in understanding divine justice and mercy in the Quran.

What is ‘La yukallifu Allahu nafsan illa wus’aha’ (Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear)?


This is the name of the bridge that, according to Hadith, everyone must cross on the Day of Judgment. It is described as being thinner than a hair and sharper than a sword, and only the righteous will successfully cross it

What is the Sirat?


This category of women, such as a man's sister, mother, or daughter, is permanently prohibited for a Muslim man to marry.

Who are mahrams?


This type of Hadith is known for being rigorously authenticated and considered the most reliable

What is Sahih?


Name all 6 surahs named after animals. 

What is Surah An-Naml, An-Nahl, Baqarah, Al-Ankabut, Al-Fil, & An-aam. 


In Surah Al-Kahf (18:60-82), this individual, known for his wisdom and knowledge, accompanies Prophet Musa on a journey to learn about divine wisdom. His actions and decisions during this journey are often interpreted as lessons in patience and understanding.

Who is Khidr?


List 4 Minor signs & 4 Major signs of DOJ. (Bonus if you know which ones have already occurred.)

Minor: Moral decay, rise of false prophets, excessive luxury & materialism, corruption among leaders, rise in opression & injustice, etc. 

Major: Imam Mehdi, Dajjal, Yajuj & Majuj, smoke/fog for 40 days, the sun rising from the west. 


Did the Prophet Mohammed (saw) get divorced?

Yes, to Hafsa (ra). 


A Hadith that has a weak chain of narration is classified under this category. 

What is Da'if?


What are the names of the 7th & 8th months of the Islamic Calender?

What is Rajab & Shaban?